L45 - Eye movement Flashcards
Importance of eye movement?
- Highvisualacuityisrestrictedtothefovea
2. Eyemovementscandirectthefovea to newobjectsofinterest-“foveation”
Pathways for pupillary constriction and dilation?
In bright light:
- parasympathetic stimulation on circular (constrictor) muscle of iris runs circularly
- pupillary constriction
In dim light,
- sympathetic stimulation on radial (dilator) muscle of iris runs radially
- pupillary dilation
List the 5 types of eye movements? Classify into 2 categories?
Gaze-shifting movements (voluntary/ attention)
(1)Saccades (2)Smoothpursuit (3)Vergence
Gaze‐stabilizing movements (Reflexive)
(4)Vestibulo‐ocularreflex (5)Optokineticreflex
Innervation of the extraocular muscles?
Superior oblique = CN IV Trochlear
Lateral rectus = CN VI Abducens
All the rest: Superior rectus,Inferior rectus, Medial rectus, Inferior oblique = CN III Oculomotor
Describe saccadic eye movement? Is it voluntary or not?
Voluntary Rapidmovements ofbotheyes in the same direction betweentwophasesof fixation(conjugateeyemovement)
Verysmallmicro‐saccades(involuntary) to prevent fading
Time course of saccadic eye movement?
Describe smooth pursuit movement? Is it voluntary or not?
Slow,smootheyemovementsusedtotrackmoving objectsoncefoveation isachieved
Can choose whether or not to track a moving stimulus, but
Cannot voluntarily generate smooth pursuit in the absence of a moving target
2 basic response phases of smooth pursuit eye movement?
- Pursuit initiation (= open-loop phase ~0.1s: catchup saccade)
- Pursuit maintenance (driven by velocity error / retinal slip: alternative focus + out-of-focus)
Describe Vergence eye movement? Is it voluntary?
disconjugate movements used to converge the eyes onto targets at different distances
Reflexive + voluntary components
- Convergence of lines of sight of each eye to see an object that is nearer
- Divergence of lines of sight of each eye to see an object that is father away
What drives vergence eye movements?
binocular disparity of a target to be fixed
> > align the fovea of each eye with targets located at different distance
Which of the gaze-shifting eye movements are opposite in action?
Vergence = Disconjugate eye movement
Saccadic = conjugate eye movement
Function of vestibular-ocular reflex?
stabilize the eyes on a target during rapid head movements
Describe the eye movements in vestibular-ocular reflex?
Vestibular system detects brief, transient changes in head position
> > Eye moves in opposite direction to head
> > preserves image on the center of visual field
> > physiologic nystagmus
What are the 2 forms of vestibular-ocular reflex and which organs are involved?
- Rotational VOR: driven by signals from the semi-circular canals which sense head rotations
- Translational VOR: driven by signals from the otolith organs which sense linear head acceleration
Describe the reflex arc in vestibulo-ocular reflex?
- Stimulus = head movement
- Afferent = vestibular nerve
- Center = vestibular nucleus
- Efferent = oculomotor nerves, abducens nerves
- Effector = extra-ocular muscles
Describe the neuronal control pathways in the right semi-circular canal when the head turns right?
endolymph turns from right to left due to inertia
> > depolarize hair cells
action potential to nerve, Scarpa’s ganglion
medial part of ipsilateral vestibular nucleus
medial longitudinal fasciculus:
Contralateral abducens nucleus (VI) = stimulate contralateral lateral rectus
Ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus (III) = stimulate ipsilateral medial rectus
> > > > > Eyes focus on left