L34 - Pathology of raised intracranial pressure and cerebrovascular disease Flashcards
Definition of ICP and normal range?
Definition: pressure of the CSF within the cranial cavity.
Normal range: less than 10 mm Hg (150 mm water).
Definition of raised ICP?
elevation of the mean CSF pressure above 15 mm Hg (200 mm water)
when measured with the patient in the lateral decubitus position (Lumbar puncture position)
List the 2 primary categories of causes in Increased ICP?
Depends on the volume and pressure of intra-cranial content against the rigid cranium:
* Rigid cranium (exception = infant): Separated into compartments by tough dura*
- Space-occupying lesions (e.g. haematoma, tumour, abscess, etc.)
- Secondary effects: Brain swelling / cerebral edema or obstruction to CSF flow (Hydrocephalus)
List 4 factors that may impact the effect/ manifestation of increased ICP?
- age - elderly, infancy (e.g. infants have more distensible cranium)
- stage of spatial compensation (e.g. old people have more atrophied brains with more space to compensate)
- rate of increase ICP
- pressure gradient
How does age impact the effects of raised ICP?
Elderly: cerebral atrophy = more space for compensation
Infant: separation of sutures = can tolerate more increase in ICP
Explain how stage of spatial compensation impacts effects of raised ICP? (think compensations to initial phase, gradual increase in ICP…)
1) Initial phase: reduction in CSF volume in ventricles, venous space (intracranial veins) in dural sinuses
2) Slow increase in space occupying-lesion: compensatory cerebral atrophy, erosion of skull bone etc.
3) After all possible compensation: critical point: further slight increase in intracranial contents volume causes abrupt increase in ICP
Give 2 causes of increased ICP with different rates and how it affects the outcome?
Slow-growing i.e. meningioma = progressive brain atrophy with slow increase in ICP
Acute haematoma = fast increase in ICP without time to compensate
Explain how the structure of the brain is related to the effects of ICP and pressure gradients?
Pressure gradient determines which area of brain is distorted/ displaced by expanding lesions**
- dural folds separate the brain into compartments
- posterior cranial fossa is connected to the spinal cord through foramen magnum
Describe the compartments of the brain formed by dural folds?
Dural folds (falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli…etc)
> > separate brain into compartments (right and left cerebral hemispheres, anterior, posterior cranial fossa)
How are cerebral herniations classified? List 2 most important classes?
Classified on the part that is herniated and the structure which it has been pushed:
- Transtentorial and uncal herniation
- Cerebellar tonsil herniation (coning)
Describe transtenorial herniation.
Temporal lobe impinged against sharp edge of tentorium cerebelli (dural fold)
Describe cerebellar tonsil herniation? Think about structures affected and symptoms?
Downward displacement of cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum
> > compression, distortion of medulla oblongata
> > frequently results in apnoea (respiratory arrest)
List the 6 structures that are affected in transtentorial herniation? (3 neuronal, 1 ventricular, 2 vascular structures)
- ipsilateral oculomotor nerves
- optic nerve and retinal vein
- Contralateral cerebral peduncle
- aqueduct of Sylvius (3rd to 4th ventricle)
- posterior cerebral artery
- haemorrhage and infarction of midbrain and pons
Clinical manifestation of transtentorial herniation impinging on the 3 specific neuronal structures?
- Compress ipsilateral oculomotor nerves – fixed and dilated pupils, ptosis
- Compress optic nerve and retinal vein – papilloedema
- Contralateral cerebral peduncle pushed against free edge of the tentorium - hemiplegia in same side of body as the space occupying lesion (false localising sign)
Clinical manifestation of transtentorial herniation impinging on the vascular and cerebral ventricular structures?
- Compress posterior cerebral artery – infarction of ipsilateral occipital cortex (cortical blindness) (bilateral in severe case)
- Compress aqueduct of Sylvius – hydrocephalus
- haemorrhage and infarction of midbrain and pons (loss of consciousness, depression of heart rate, changes in respiration, elevated blood pressure due to increased sympathetic activity)
List some early signs of raised ICP apart from those seen in herniation?
1) Headache (stretching of meninges)
2) Projectile vomiting (distortion of brainstem)
3) Separation of sutures of the vault (in infants, children)
4) Erosion of skull bone (in long, sustained moderate increase in ICP)
Compare and contrast primary and secondary hydrocephalus?
Primary hydrocephalus:
- Obstruction to CSF flow from choroid plexus… aqueduct… subarachnoid space
- Increased production + Impaired absorption
Secondary hydrocephalus:
- Compensatory increase in CSF
Define hydrocephalus.
increase in CSF volume in ventricles / subarachnoid space / both
Define the different causes of brain swelling?
(1) cerebral edema: 3 classes:
a) vasogenic
b) cytotoxic
c) hydrocephalic
(2) Congestive brain swelling from vasodilatation
What causes of congestive brain swelling?
Hypoxia, hypercapnia causes loss of vasomotor tone»_space; vasodilation»_space; complicate acute brain injury
Cause of cerebral vasogenic edema? What are the accompanying pathologies?
- increased filtration pressure and/or permeability of the capillaries and venules
- Defective BBB»_space; water, sodium,
protein extravasated into the extracellular space
Accompanying cerebral contusions, recent infarcts, brain abscess and tumours
Cause of cerebral cytotoxic edema?
Acute hypoxia»_space; Loss of cellular osmoregulation (increased intracellular water, sodium)
Cause of hydrocephalic edema?
Results from increased resistance of CSF absorption
> > CSF collects in periventricular white matter
Compare Stroke/ cerebrovascular accident with Trasient ischaemic attack (TIA)?
Stroke/ cerebrovascular accident:
- Focal disturbance of cerebral function of presumed vascular origin
- Rapid onset, >24hours
- Cause structural brain damage
- Rapid onset, but <24 hours
- Fully reversible neurological deficit
- No structural brain damage
Which is more prevalent: Infarction or Haemorrhage resulting from stroke/ CVA?
infarction (70%)
haemorrhage (30%).
List the 6 causes of cerebral infarction. **
1) Occlusive: Atherosclerosis, emboli, small vessel disease most common and important
2) Hypotension
3) Vasculitis
4) Vasospasm (subarachnoid haemorrhage)
5) Venous occlusion (haemorrhagic infarcts)
6) Vascular complication of raised intracranial pressure
(Other causes: sickle cell anaemia, polycythaemia rubra vera, migraine, hyperlipidaemia)
Which cerebral vessels are most commonly occluded due to atherosclerosis, causing cerebral infarction?
Occlusion / stenosis of carotid, vertebral arteries, intracranial cerebral arteries
Commonest site is the origin of the internal carotid artery at the carotid bifurcation (increased haemodynamic turbulence and stress)
How does the site of cerebral vessel occlusion dictate the clinical outcome? i.e. if circle of willis vs end-arteries are occluded
If occlusion is distal, collateral circulation can less likely compensate
i.e. Blockage in Circle of WIllis = compensated by alternate flow = not symptomatic; Block end-arteries = not compensated = symptomatic
Why is inserting a stent in a carotid artery that is chronically occluded a bad idea?
Chronic occlusion leads to vessel ischaemia and degeneration
If blood flow is suddenly increased by stent»_space; increased hydrostatic pressure can burst defective vessels»_space; massive hemorrhage
Explain why lipohyalinosis occurs most in small cerebral vessels?
Deep penetrating arteries branch at sharp angles from large cerebral arteries (high hemodynamic stress)
»_space; supply basal ganglia, thalamus, pons
Histological changes to small cerebral vessel in
Lipohyalinosis = degenerative changes in small cerebral vessels
Hyalinization (eosinophilic), fibrinoid degeneration of vessel wall
Lipid deposition
Accumulation of foamy macrophages
Which patients are most at risk for lipohyalinosis? What are the 2 pathological outcomes?
Hypertensive patients
1) Progressive narrowing of lumen causing lacunar infarct** deep within cerebral hemisphere, brainstem»_space; may result in significant neurological deficit
2) Weakening of vessels»_space; progressive dilation and form microaneurysm**»_space; rupture causes hypertensive cerebral haemorrhage
Define Lacunar infarcts?
small infarcts of 3-20 mm in diameter that lie deep within the cerebral hemisphere and brain stem
Which brain region is most commonly affected by boundary zone infarction?
borders between the anterior and middle cerebral arterial beds
Explain the pathology of cerebral boundary zone infarction?
> > zone between two arterial beds is most deficient in blood supply
> > undergoes progressive and gradual ischaemia and necrosis
List some usual causes of cerebral boundary zone infarction?
diffuse intracranial atherosclerosis
drop in systemic blood pressure (massive bloodloss, shock)
congestive heart failure
(do not produce clear focal neurological signs)
Common cause of vasculitis leading to cerebral infarction?
commonly due to purulent meningitis
e.g. tuberculous meningitis, Haemophilus influenzae
Describe the pathohistological changes in brain tissue after cerebral infarction? (think initial changes, 4 to 5 days, Weeks to months)
Initial = swollen, pale, soften
6-8 hours = ischaemic liquefactive necrosis
Next 6-12 hours: macrophages appear
4-5 days: cracking, liquefaction
End of first week:
- Heavy infiltration of macrophages to clear up debris
- Astrocytic proliferation around the border
resorption, replacement by fluid-filled cavities
List 3 major pathological types of Intracranial haemorrhage?
(1) intracerebral haemorrhage
(2) subarachnoid haemorrhage
(3) extradural and subdural haemorrhage
Define the 5 causes of intracerebral haemorrhages?
1) Abnormalities of blood vessels
2) Blood disorders
3) Abnormalities of brain tissue: infarcts, tumour
4) Traumatic
5) Miscellaneous or idiopathic
List subtypes of abnormalities of blood vessels that cause intracerebral haemorrhage?
- microaneurysm in hypertension
- saccular aneurysm
- arterio-venous malformation (AVM)
- congophilic angiopathy
- arteritis
List subtypes of blood disorders that cause intracerebral haemorrhages?
- thrombocytopaenia: multifocal, lobar haemorrhage
- coagulopathies: subdural haemorrhage
- anti-coagulants therapy (i.e. after prosthetic heart valves)
What is the most common cause of intracerebral haemorrhage and explain its pathology?
Microaneurysm in hypertension»_space; hypertensive cerebral, cerebellar haemorrhage
Describe the pathology and sequalae of microaneurysm caused by hypertension? Which brain regions are most affected?
Small vessel disease (lipohyalinosis, microaneurysm formation) in deep penetrating arteries
> microaneurysms rupture
> massive intracerebral haemorrhage:
- basal ganglia, pons, cerebellum
- extends into ventricular system
- Secondary oedema of surrounding brain tissue, obstructive hydrocephalus, herniation
Pathology of arterio-venous malformation causing intracerebrla haemorrhage?
i.e. Venous angiomas
|»_space; ruptureand cause massive hemorrhage, steal and space-occupying effect
Presentation of Vascular malformations (risk factor for intracerebral haemorrhage)?
(1) Asymptomatic
(2) Haemorrhage
(3) Space occupying effect
(4) Steal
Pathology of congophilic angiopathy?
Amyloid is deposited in pial, intra-cortical arterioles
> > risk of intracerebral haemorrhage
List some types of arterio-venous malformations leading to intracerebral haemorrhage?
Venous angiomas = most common
Cavernous angiomas
Capillary angiomas
Consequence of ‘steal’ after intracerebral haemorrhage?
adjacent neural tissue is often deprived of normal blood supply by an angioma (often an AVM),
gives rise to epilepsy and neurological dysfunction.
List the causes for subarachnoid haemorrhage?
Rupture of a berry (saccular) aneurysm (65%)
Bleeding from AVM (5%)
Blood dyscrasia
Asymptomatic with no cause found (found at autopsy) (20%)
Common location for berry aneurysms to occur?
Arterial bifurcations, 90% in anterior circulation
Most often in:
1. Middle cerebral artery
- Origin of anterior communicating artery from anterior cerebral artery
- Internal carotid artery (terminal bifurcation, origin of posterior communicating artery)
How does the size of a berry aneurysm affect it’s prognosis?
<5 mm in diameter: seldom rupture
5-10 mm = critical range in size of ruptured aneurysms
>3 cm: cause mass effects rather than rupture
Clinical sequalae of having a berry aneurysm?
Majority (60%) have no symptoms
40% have symptoms due to rupture (90%) or mass effect (10%)
List and explain 4 complications of subarachnoid haemorrhage?
1) Spontaneous closure (but high risk of rebleeding)
2) Haemotoma obliterates progressive subarachnoid space»_space; hydrocephalus
3) Vasospasm of cerebral artery harbouring the ruptured aneurysm»_space; cerebral infarction/ischemia
4) ‘Expanding’ haematoma»_space; Epilepsy
2 co-existing disorders commonly associated with subarachnoid haemorrhage?
Adult polycystic kidneys
Coarctation of aorta
2 causes of Extradural, subdural haemorrhage?
High energy, high impact trauma:
road traffic accidents, jump from heights