HNNS Anatomy - Larynx Flashcards
2 functions of the larynx.
- Laryngeal inlet = Protect lower respiratory tract/ sphincteric
- Vocal cord = Phonation, whisper, coughing, wheezing, sneezing
Overall structure of the larynx.
Fibrous: membranous or ligamentous
- 1 Cricoid cartilage
- 1 thyroid cartilage
- 2 arytenoid cartilage
- 1 epiglottic cartilage
- Corniculate cartilage
Composition of larynx cartilages.
All = hyaline
except epiglottic = yellow cartilage
3 membranes of the larynx.
Thyrohyoid membrane
Cricothyroid membrane/ Conus elasticus
Quadrangular membrane
Define which ligaments form the true and false vocal cords?
Cricothyroid membrane: upper margin forms vocal ligament/ true vocal cord
Quadrangular membrane: Lower margin form vestibular ligament/ false vocal cord
Define attachment of vocal cord.
Anterior = thyroid cartilage Posterior = Vocal process of arytenoid process
Define the coverings for the vocal folds?
True vocal cord/ vocal ligament: Vocal folds
False vocal cord/ vestibular ligament: vestibular folds
Space between vocal cords?
Rima glottidis
Describe space between the 2 vocal cords. Function of this space?
Mucosa between 2 vocal cords herniates:
Opening = Sinus
Space inside = Saccule/ Ventricle
Mucous glands inside saccule moisten vocal folds and prevent damage
Name of space above and below vocal cords.
Cavity between inlet and vestibular folds = Vestibule/ supraglottic compartment
Cavity below ‘’ = Infraglottic compartment
Extrinsic muscles the elevate the larynx. (7)
Extrinsic muscles that depress the larynx. (3)
Intrinsic muscles of the larynx that act on laryngeal inlet. (3)
Aryepiglottic muscle
Oblique arytenoid muscle
Thyroepiglottic muscle
Intrinsic muscles of the larynx that act on vocal cords. (6)
Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (Abduction)
Lateral cricoarytenoid (Adduction) Transverse and Oblique arytenoid (Adduction)
Cricothyroid (tense/ lengthen cord)
Thyroarytenoid + Vocalis (tense/ shorten cord)
Sensory nerve supply of larynx.
Above vocal cord: Internal laryngeal nevre
Below vocal cord: Recurrent laryngeal nerve