L21 and L22 Female Reproductive Organs (INCOMPLETE) Flashcards
What bones make up the pelvic girdle?
Ilium (x2) Ischium (x2) Pubis (x2) Sacrum (Coccyx)
Which three bones fuse to form the innominate bones?
Ilium, ischium and pubis
What marks the superior border of the pelvic cavity?
Pelvic inlet
This is an ‘imaginary’ boundary as there is no physical separation between the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Marked by the promontory, the ala of the sacrum, the left and right linea terminalis.
What marks the inferior border of the pelvic cavity?
Pelvic diaghragm.
A hammock-like structure made from muscles and fascia.
What lies immediately inferior to the pelvic diaphragm?
What openings are found in the pelvic diaphragm?
- Urogenital hiatus (for urethra and vagina)
- Anal canal
Which muscles make up the pelvic diaphragm?
Ischiococcygeus (between ischial spine and sacrum/coccyx)
Levator ani
- Iliococcygeus
- Pubococcygeus
- Puborectalis
What is the function of the levator ani muscle sheet?
Maintains continence, especially when coughing, sneezing etc.
Must relax to allow urination and defection.
What are the key features of a female pelvis that differ from the male equivalent?
Sacrum: wider, shorter, more curved
Coccyx: more movable, straighter
Greater sciatic notch: wide and shallow
Pelvic inlet: wider, oval shape
Pelvic outlet: wider, ischial tuberosities shorter and further apart
Subpubic angle: obtuse (>90 degrees)
What are the key features of a male pelvis that differ from the female equivalent?
Sacrum: narrow, longer, promontory is more ventral
Coccyx: less movable, curves ventrally
Greater sciatic notch: narrow and deep
Pelvic inlet: narrow, heart shape
Pelvic outlet: narrower, ischial tuberosities longer and sharper
Subpubic angle: Acute (<90 degrees)
What are peritoneal ligaments?
Ligaments formed from folds in the peritoneal membrane
What are articular ligaments?
Join bone to bone
Which articular ligaments are found in the pelvis, and where are they located?
- Lumbosacral and iliolumbar: lumbosacral joint
- Sacrococcygeal: sacrococcygeal joint
- Sacroiliac: sacroiliac joint
- Pubic: pubic symphysis
- Inguinal: ASIS to pubic tubercle
- Sacrospinous: ischial spine to sacrum and coccyx
- Sacrotuberous: ischial tuberosity to sacrum and coccyx
What structures are formed by the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments?
Greater and lesser sciatic foramen
Which structures pass through the greater sciatic foramen?
- Piriformis muscle
- Gluteal vessels and nerves
- Pudendal vessels and nerves
- Sciatic nerve