L2 U40 L2 Flashcards
Social media
Shèjiāo méitǐ
I still want to be at this type of rather large scale traditional media company
Wǒ háishì xiǎngyào zài zhè zhǒng bǐjiào dàxíng de chuántǒng méitǐ gōngsī
It makes sense, right?
Yǒu dàolǐ ba
Can you guess what the opposite word to [A] is?
Nǐ néng cāidào [A] de fǎnyìcí shì shénme ma?
…which other hopes she has with regards to work
…tā gōngzuò shàng yǒu nǎxiē qítā xīwàng
Media interview vs job interview
Cǎifǎng (to collect / to inquire) vs miànshì (face test)
To accumulate experience
Jīlěi jīngyàn
To accumulate knowledge
Jīlěi zhīshi
Taking sth as a priority, giving priority to sth
(yǐ) sth wéi zhǔ
(an example of “yǐ A wéi B”)
This restaurant takes making Chinese food as priority
Zhè jiā fàndiàn yǐ zuò zhōngcān wéizhǔ
To interview a star
Cǎifǎng míngxīng
My class will be ending soon
Wǒ de kè kuài yào jiéshù le
Our meeting has been going on for three hours and still hasn’t finished!
Wǒmen de huì yǐjīng kāi le sān ge xiǎoshí, hái méi jiéshù
Not long (after) I had just fallen asleep, then he called me
Wǒ gāng shuìzháo (yǐhòu) bù jiǔ, tā jiù lái diànhuà le
Not long after I got married, then I had a child
Wǒ jiéhūn (yǐhòu) bù jiǔ, jiù shēng háizi le
Our family gives priority to my husband; whenever he goes to work, that’s where we’ll go
Wǒmen jiā yǐ wǒ lǎogōng wéi zhǔ; tā zài nǎ(r) gōngzuò wǒmen jiù qù nǎ(r)
I like watching shows that interview sports celebrities
Wǒ hěn xǐhuān kàn cǎifǎng tǐyù míngxīng de jiémù
Not long after he was born, his family moved to Mexico
Tā chūshēng bù jiǔ, tā jiā jiù bān dào mòxīgē le