L2 U34 L1 Flashcards
She’s an outgoing person, so she loves to attend group activities
Tā shì ge hěn wàixiàng de rén, suǒyǐ fēicháng xǐhuan cānjiā tuántǐ huódòng
Since the two of us had a really serious conversation, our relationship has been on good terms.
Cóng wǒmen liǎ fēicháng rènzhēn de tán le yíxià, wǒmen de guānxi jiù yìzhí hěn róngqià
I want to work at a place where the relationships among coworkers are harmonious
Wǒ xiǎng zài yí ge tóngshì guānxi róngqià de dìfang gōngzuò
Speaking of making friends, the relationship within this group of ours is on very good terms
Tídào jiāo péngyou wǒmen zhège tuántǐ lǐbiān(r) de guānxi dōu fēicháng róngqià
I didn’t know anyone before
Wǒ yǐqián shéi dōu bú rènshi
Why do you want to join our organization?
Nǐ wèishénme xiǎng jiārù wǒmen de tuántǐ?
Just like (blood) sisters
Jiù xiàng qīn jiěmèi yíyàng
He added [er] at the end of [qiu]
Tā zài [qiú] hòumiàn jiā le [ér]
So [A] became [B]
Suǒyǐ [A] biànchéng le [B]
Since you’re so unhappy (dissatisfied) with me, then let’s break up!
Jìrán nǐ duì wǒ zhème bù mǎnyì,nà zánmen fēnshǒu ba
To experience, to go through
After going through a few dozen (ten) times (occasions) of practice, I finally learned how to swim
Jīngguò jǐ shí cì de liànxí,wǒ zhōngyú xuéhuì yóuyǒng le
After going through a whole night of earnest studying, I now feel very confident about tomorrow’s exam
Jīngguò yì zhěng wǎn de rènzhēn xuéxi, wǒ xiànzài duì míngtiān de kǎoshì hěn yǒuxìnxīn
Experience (n), accumulated wisdom/skill from long experience of doing something
To promote mutual understanding
Zēngjìn hùxiāng liǎojiě
To enhance (our) friendship
Zēngjìn yǒuyì
To maintain a friendship
Bǎochí yǒuyì
Hùxiāng vs bǐcǐ
Exact same meaning, often used the same exact same way - however bǐcǐ can also be used as a pronoun meaning “each other”
Ex. Hùxiāng liǎojiě bǐcǐ de xiǎngfǎ = Mutually understand each other’s point of view
I now have more experience
Wǒ xiànzài yǒu le gèng duō de jīngyàn
Everyone is all here, in that case let’s have the meeting (use resultative complement qí)
Dàjiā dōu láiqí le, nàme wǒmen jiù kāihuì ba