L1 U2 Lessons 1-4 Flashcards
To see, to meet (can also be used as a resultative complement)
Going for a run? (Can be used as a greeting, like if you see someone you know running)
Nǐ zài pǎobù a!
Video chat
Shìpín liáotiān
Have you not met my mom??
Nǐ méi jiàn guò wǒ māma?
I have seen him in a video!
Wǒ zài shìpín lǐ(mian) jiàn guò tā
This time, I finally met you in person
Wǒ zhè cì zhōngyú jiàndào zhēnrén le
By the way, let me tell you…
Shùn biàn shuō yíxià…
They both look really young, right??
Tāmen liǎng ge kànqǐlái zhēnde hěn niánqīng, duìbúduì?
I remember when I was young, many people would (wrongly) think that we were sisters
Wǒ jì de xiǎo de shíhou, hěnduō rén huì yǐwéi wǒmen shì jiěmèi
Dumbledore is an especially polite person
Dumbledore shì yí ge tèbié yǒulǐmào de rén
They have met in Shanghai twice
Tāmen zài Shànghǎi jiàn guò liǎng cì
To mention, to bring up
Colloquial way to say “already”
Colloquial way to say “always”
To praise, to compliment
It’s already 9 - I have to go!
Dōu jiǔ diǎn - wǒ děi zǒu le!
It’s always raining this month
Use lǎo for always
Zhè ge yuè lǎo xiàyǔ
To collaborate, to work together as a team