L2 U14 L2 Flashcards
Bùhǎoyìsi doesn’t sound as serious as duìbuqǐ
“Bùhǎoyìsi” méiyǒu “duìbuqǐ” tīngqǐlái yánzhòng
Locals (of a place that you are in when speaking) vs
Locals (of any place, not necessarily the one you’re in now)
Běndìrén vs
Xiǎngdào vs xiǎnghǎo
Xiǎngdào - when you remember something you’ve forgotten, or think of something specific
Xiǎnghǎo - to have made a decision or come to a conclusion about something
Western style Chinese food
Xīshì zhōngcān
Korean barbecue
Hánguó shāokǎo
Roast chicken
We’re the only two (people) here
Zhèlǐ jiù wǒmen liǎng ge (rén). Or
Zhèlǐ zhǐyǒu wǒmen liǎng ge (rén)
Shrimp dumplings are the specialty of Guangdong
Xiājiǎo shì Guǎngdōng de tèsè
You already arrived? Then wait a few minutes, I’ll arrive very soon
Nǐ yǐjīng dào le ma? Nà jiù děng jǐ fēnzhōng ba, wǒ hěn kuài jiù dào le
Flavor vs taste
Kǒuwèi vs wèidào
As for Beijing, the air pollution in the summer is especially bad
Běijīng dehuà xiàtiān de kōngqìwūrǎn tèbié yánzhòng
Since dumplings are the specialty of this restaurant, then just order dumplings
Jìrán jiǎozi shì zhè jiā diàn de tèsè, nà jiù diǎn jiǎozi ba
A book about history
Yì běn guānyú lìshǐ de shū
I’m a pretty picky eater (a fairly strong statement - you’re quite picky!)
Wǒ chīfàn tǐng tiāotì de
I’m rather a picky eater/ a bit of a picky eater
Wǒ chīfàn bǐjiào tiāotì (yìdiǎn)
She performs very naturally
Tā biǎoyǎn (de?) hěn zìrán
Picky about wearing clothes
Chuān yīfu hěn tiāotì
I like Sichuan cuisine a bit
Wǒ bǐjiào xǐhuān sìchuān cài
What non-spicy food do you guys have here?
Nǐmen zhè(r) yǒu shénme bú là de cài