L2 RIPS Flashcards
Realm - Individual Process - Situation
individual, organizational, or societal realms
ethical issue, dilemma, ethical distress, ethical temptation, moral silence
individual realm
single person issue
organizational realm
organization/department/hospital, etc issue
societal realm
religious group, country, community issue
do what is in the best interest of the patient
types of justice
distributive - equal dist to all
compensatory - act to make up for a past injustice
procedural - following an order
non maleficence
do no harm
truthful and factual communication
loyalty to patient and your relationship
moral judgment
make a decision on right or wrong by assessing how lines of actions affect others
moral motivation
put moral values above other values like self gratification, money, revenge, etc
moral courage
deciding whether to take action in an ethical issue
conviction to correct a wrong
ethical issue
challenge confronting moral obligations
ethical dilemma
two morally correct courses of action that are mutually exclusive, both can’t be followed in situation and doing one means you don’t do the other
ex) pt refuses treatment, autonomy vs beneficence
ethical distress
person knows the right thing to do but there is some barrier preventing them from doing it
ex) want to help someone in need but you don’t have enough to give
ethical temptation
recognizing temptation that could cause you to act against professional ethical code
ex) dating a pt you find attractive
moral silence
not speaking up when you should
ex) reporting others when they break rules
tests for right and wrong
legal - is it legal?
PU - does it feel wrong?
front page - would you be comfortable if your actions were on the front page?
parents - would you be comfortable if your parents knew?
professional ethics - What does the code of ethics say?
decisions made with best outcome in mind regardless if actions are considered morally right or wrong
ex) kill the dragon to protect the village
inherent right or wrong actions regardless of good or bad outcome
ex) not killing the dragon because killing is wrong even if village is in danger