L2-ocean environments, factors that influence distribution Flashcards
What is the thermocline?
warm water layer that prevents nutrient transport?
What does upwelling cause?
increased supply of nutrients
WHat are causes of upwelling?
oceanic currents (gulf stream)
equatorial upwelling
coastal upwelling
What causes coastal upwelling?
Ekman transport due to winds blowing parallel to coastlines
Where in continents do you typically get upwelling
west side
What does upwelling stimulate?
primary producativity
Rocky shores features?
rare-new or lots of waterflow
dominated by macroalgae
goes from intertidal to 100m
What stresses are associated with rock pools ?
high pH, high salinity, low
nutrient concentrations
Where are phytoplankton found?
Open waters
What lives in soft sediments?
sea grass
benthic microalgae
What are Mangels?
Mangels are communities dominated by mangroves
What is the primary limiter on algae growth?
Why might alage want to be in the harsh conditions of intertidal?
light is available
What happens when intertidal algae is exposed?
lose water
can’t take in nutrients
exposed to much higher temperatures
What have many algae evolved to avoid desiccation?
decreased surface area to volume ratio
production of sulphated polysaccharides(agar)