L1-Physical processes-Tides,winds,light Flashcards
Tides,winds,light, temp, nutrient mixing, oxygen
What are pros of living in water?
more viscous therefore can float less need for structural support against
desiccation not a problem
less work on ion channels
What are cons of living in water?
water is powerful- water movements can be equivalent of hurricane force winds
diffusion is much slower e.g algae need to worry about CO2
When do big tides occur?
when gravity of the moon and sun align
What is effect of tides?
creates diversity of organism found in intertidal zones
What are the different tides?
mixed ( 2 high and 2 low tides of unequal heights per 24 h)
semi-diurnal ( 2 ~equal high tides and 2 ~ equal low tides every 24 h)
diurnal (1 Low and 1 high tides per 24 h)
How far does light penetrate?
photic zone ~ 200-250m
What moves oceans around?
The prevailing winds
What is thermocline circulation?
Bulk transfer of water around and between ocean masses occurs, very slowly, as a consequence of interactions between deep and shallow currents.
What are characteristics of deep water?
Why is upwelling important?
brings nutrients, generated at depth over long periods of time, to the surface
What wavelength passes the worst through water?
What wavelength passes the best through water?
Where is the lowest light can be used for photosynthesis?
most things only 250m
How much of lights energy gets to 100m?
What is the photosynthetically active light range what does this mean for algae?
red algae deep water
green algae shallow water
How can biogeographical regions be defined?
cold temperate
warm temperate
What drives temperature?
latitude primarily
ocean currents secondarily
What is different about temperature regulation between ocean and terrestrial?
terrestrial can vary their temp more easily by eg.going in an out of shade-wider temp ranges
aquatic are stuck at water temp
When is most productivity?why?
spring and autumn
lots of light
still sufficient mixing to get nutrients
What is different about intertidal zone?
can regulate temp better
but also have to cope with massive temp changes
What can stratification lead to?
Stratification of a water column can lead to nutrient depletion
When is mixing best and worst?
describe oxygen variation with depth?