L2 - Mental Evolution Flashcards
How would you characterise Huxley’s role in advocating evolution compared to Darwin’s?
- aggressively advocated evolution unlike the reserved Darwin
First person ever to propose a mechanism for evolutionary change.
Giraffes - Lamarck claims that from the habit of browsing the leaves in trees they have lengthened their fore-legs and neck to a certain degree.
His ideas were dismissed and criticized.
Lamarckian Inheritance
- Environmental changes can produce new habits
- New habits produce physical changes
- Physical changes are heritable: inheritance of acquired characteristics
* * example of new habit: cooking has transformed the evolution of hominids - smaller jaw and jaw muscles
Theory of Natural Selection
Individuals with adaptive characteristics are likely to produce more offspring than others.
Human evolution - Darwin ignored the topic, but Huxley confronted it directly.
Huxley’s argument for human evolution was based on similarities between the brains of the great apes and the human brain
Co-discoverer of the principle of Natural Selection. Independently from Darwin.
Wallace believed that human evolution must have involved supernatural intervention, since he believed that mental faculties emerge in advance to any usefulness.
Believed the idea of sexual selection was also unnecessary
Humans unique in mental intelligence
What was Wallace first to propose? (2 things)
- Human selection shifts from physical to psychological
2. Social instincts attenuate natural selection process and prevent further intellectual evolution
What was Darwin’s reply to Wallace?
Sexual selection; sexual selection as factor of human evolution; human intellect not unique (mental continuity with other species).
Book: The Descent of man
“Darwin’s heir”
Mental evolution - the capacity for a particular skill becomes stronger and stronger through the next generations
believed that animal intelligence evolves through behavioural conditioning, or positive reinforcement
Romanes’ Hierarchies for Emotions and Cognitive Processes
The lower down cognitive processes are seen in many species (e.g. pain, pleasure, fear, memory).
The middle are seen in some species (e.g. sympathy, jealousy, communication ideas)
The top abilities are specific to only a few species (e.g. shame, revenge and use of tools which is specific to the human species).
Problem solving pinnacle to evolutionary advancement
Who first published a book on human evolution?
What was a problem with Romanes’ evidence?
- observations were anecdotal and second hand
How did Romanes determine which organisms had minds?
He believed any organism with a nervous system and the capacity to learn had a mind.
In which book did Romanes outline his arguments?
Animal Intelligence.
What was Romanes’ Recapitulation Theory?
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. I.e. development of the individual human mind from childhood to adulthood recapitulates the evolution of the species over millions of years.
What examples did Darwin use to show human-like traits existed in other animals?
Reasoning in apes
Parrots could talk
Lamarkian Law of use and disuse
Using muscles makes them develop more. Giraffe stretching its neck will produce physical changes, creating long neck characteristics for their offspring