L17 - Health 1 Flashcards
What type of psychology integrates physical and mental health?
health psychology
Hleath Psychologists takes a systems level focus, what type of perspectives does this include?
The biopsychosocial model is the core to health psychology
What type of approach does it take
a more holistic approach
(taking the context of the person into account, recognising the complexity of health andillness)
Who developed the biopsychosocial model?
Engel and Romano
The biopsychosocial model was developed in reaction to the classic models which was the ____
medical model
(reductionist, focusing on pathology and biology)
What is the philosophy behind the biopsychosocial model?
the body, the mind, and the environment are interrelated, and interact.
What happens in the physical body can impact the psychological, and vice versa
What type of approaches does the biopsychosocial model favour?
interdisciplinary, or
multidisciplinary approach
What has the biopsychosocial model been criticised for?
Not being a testable theoretical model (debatable)
Being tokenistic (very often this is observed to the case)
Which model considers the behavioural and social determinants of health?
What is the difference between a clinical and health psychologist?
Clinical psychologists are trained in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and mental illness – the focus is on severe mental illness
health psychology; the focus is on the relationship between physical and mental health
What skills are included for a health psychologist?
______ psychology investigates the links between psychology, social factors and physical health in order to improve health and prevent illness
Health psychologists are specialists in health behaviour change and apply the ______approach to health care delivery
What are the two main areas of which health psychologists practice?
Health Promotion
Clinical Health Psychology
Explain the health promotion field of psychology
Explain the clinical health psychology field
For people with chronic pain, what is doctor shopping?
When you seek different medications from different doctors
Why might Marlene (example study, someone with chronic pain) come to see a psychologist?
GP may have already treated Marlene with medication for pain and it not worked.
What is the issue with long term medication for chronic pain?
Long term use can cause increased sensitivity to pain, further use of health care services and even death.
Overuse of medication is common - it is dangerous and can cause rebound pain
Referrals to see a psychologist for chronic pain can come from a _____ or a ____
general practitioner or a psychiatrist
What is psychoeducation?
Educating about psychology (e.g. fear of moving due to fear of causing pain creates a cycle of pain)
Important regarding medication and other drugs and alcohol
What things might a health psychologist need to identify to be able to treat a patient with chronic illnesses pain?
Take a history – learn about the perceived cause/s,
previous and current treatments including medication and
other interventions (physiotherapy for example)
Establish what the pain means to her
Seek data from her about the pain – a pain diary for
example, can be useful to identify “boom and bust”
patterns, triggers for pain, etc.
Identify thinking patterns that might play a role in the pain
– for example, catastrophizing, black and white thinking
Identify reinforcers for pain – for example, the
reactions of others, secondary gain
Identify barriers to changing behaviour – for example,
Marlene is overweight – is she interested to lose
Screening for depression and anxiety - important
What will the health psychologist be attempting to do with someone with chronic illness?
Increasing a sense of self-efficacy and control - important – so lessening feelings of helplessness and dependence on others, dependence on health care
Active coping strategies will be taught - Progressive muscular relaxation often used in treatment
What is the best therapy to use for treatment for chronic pain
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
What kind of interview technique can be used to identify what may be influencing/causing the chronic pain?
Motivational Interviewing