L12 -Lower motor neurons Flashcards
Is motor control part of the pre or post central gyrus?
Is somatosensory part of the pre or post central gyrus?
What does the location of the neuron in the spinal cord (whether its more medial or lateral) tell us about the muscles they act on and the distance of their local circuit neurons? *the same concept applies for dorsal, ventral, longitutinal
MEDIALLY LOCATED - muscles are closer to midline, long-distance local circuit neurons
LATERALLY LOCATED - muscles are located more distally, short-distance local circuit neurons
Where are the smallest motor units found
Extraoccular muscles of the eyes (only 3 or 4 fibres)
With increased motor unit size, alpha motor neurons exhibit:
Increased: Cell body size, dendritic complexity, axonal diameter, number of axonal branches, short-term EPSP potentiation with repeated activation
Decreased: Input resistance, excitability, 1a EPSP amplitude, PSP decay constant, duration of after - hyperpolarization
Input resistance
High input resistance is when you inject a current into a neuron and it stays there.
Low input resistance means current leaks out after injection.
What type of motor fibres are recruited for walking and running?
Fast fatigue-resistant
What type of motor fibres are recruited for galloping and jumping?
Fast fatigable
What are the 3 categories of input
Sensory input from muscle spindles, input from upper motor neurons in the brain, input from spinal interneurons
Lower motor neuron
Anything that affects excitability of alpha motor neuron
Gamma motor neuron innervates
Intrafusal muscle fibres
What level does the stretch reflex (with muscle spindles) occur in
Segemental - doesn’t involve brain stem
T/F: Muscle spindles are the only afferent that directly goes to motor neurons
Function of golgi tendon organs
Force detectors that prevent overstretching of muscles, causing a reflex inhibition of muscles when excessive force is exerted e.g. it excites inhibitory motor neurons of flexor muscle to result in inhibition via distal 1b afferent and excites antagonistic extensor muscle to aid in extension of arm
T/F: Muscle spindle primary 1a afferents are the fastest
Flexion-crossed extension reflex
A reflex found in quadrupeds and humans that occurs when cutaneous afferent fibre from nocieptor is activated.
e.g. stepping on a pin stimulates leg flexes to withdraw leg (flexing) while opposite leg supports it (extension)