L11: Cerebral Palsy Flashcards
What is CP?
- Group of permanent disorders of the dev. of mvmt and posture→ causes activity limitations that are attributed to disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain
CP is Static aka
NON-progressive in nature
*Umbrella term for any brain injury that occurs IN and AROUND birth thru first few yrs of life
CP results from dmg to 3 main areas:
- Motor Cortex
presentation determined by area of brain dmg (B/L or U/L) and severity
- see homonculus pics
presentation determined by area of brain dmg (B/L or U/L) and severity
- BG
- Cerebellum
Causes of CP
*NOTE: exact cause for indiv. children not often known
Multiplicity of factors vs single event
Most lesions/dmg happen when?
2nd half gestation
Prenatal causes CP
Infx, inflamm, anoxia, coag disorder, genetics
Perinatal causes CP
asphyxia, anoxia (PVL, IVH, aspiration), met. cond’s
Postnatal causes CP
head injury, BI, toxicity, cerebral anoxia, CVA
Most common causes CP happen when?
- asphyxia, anoxia (PVL, IVH, aspiration), met. cond’s
CP Clinical Presentations
4 Mvmt Disorders commonly seen
- Spasticity
- Dystonia
- Athetosis
- Ataxia
CP clinical presentations
Spastic CP
- HypERtonia or rigidity
- Hemiplegic, Diplegic, Tetraplegic, Quadriplegic
- Motor cortex dmg
CP Clinical Presentations
- Abnorm posturing, twisting, rep. involunt. mvmts
Clinical Presentations CP
- Writhing, distal mvmts
- Uncontrolled mvmts
- BG issue
Clinical Presentations CP
“Drunken Sailor”
- Flailing mvmts, wide BOS/gait
- Wide base gait, balance and coord. primary issues
- Cerebellar origin
Spastic CP
Arm, body and leg affected on one side
Spastic CP
Legs affected more vs. Arms
Spastic CP
Whole body affected
CP often found in children w/ _______
LBW (1000-1499g)
Dx CP made via:
- Neuroimaging
- Clinically dx’d
- delayed milestones
- abnorm mm tone
- abnorm mvmt patterns
PTs can contribute to clinical dx!!!
Dx of CP
Precise dx can be diff. BUT most children dx as early as ______
6mos of age
Considerations in Dx of CP
Just a few
- Variation in motor dev.
- Unknown origin: brain MRI
- Consideration of alternate explanations (transient dystonia)
Prognosis for CP
*Highly variable
This type of CP more likely POSITIVE OUTCOMES
Hemiplegia and Ataxic CP
Prognosis for CP
*Highly variable
This type of CP LESS LIKELY positive outcomes
Dyskinesia and B/L CP
(Dyskinesia== uncontrolled, involuntary mm mvmt)
Impact of deficits in following areas contribute to prognosis of CP
Sz activity
Other predictors for CP prognosis
Greatest predictor of ambulation**
IND sitting by 24mos
Other predictors for CP prognosis
Functional IND ambulation UNLIKELY if this:
Unable to IND sit @ 3yrs
Almost ALL children w/ CP @ higher risk for this
Communication deficits
Children w/ CP @ risk for:
- Cog limits
- Behavioral probs
- Comm. deficits—- almost ALL
- Sensation deficits
- Epilepsy
- B&B incontinence/constipation
- Usually Quadriplegic or B/L
Classification of CP
Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)
*ALWAYS refer to GMFCS lvl for practice→ Goals, interventions, etc..
Gross Motor Functional Classification System (GMFCS)
- 5 lvl classification scale used to det. functional capabilities for children 18yo and younger w/ CP
- Subcategories
- Best reps child current abilities and limitations in gross motor function in home, school, community
- Self-initiated mvmt emphasis on sitting and walking
GMFCS: Class. of CP
Lvls: ALL
- Lvl 1: Walks w/out limitations (BEST)
- Lvl 2: Walks WITH limitations
- Lvl 3: Walks using Hand-Held Mobility Device
- Lvl 4: Self-Mobility w/ Limitations: May use powered mobility
- Lvl 5: Transported in a Manual WC
Lvl 1 :
Walks w/out Limitations (BEST)
GMFCS Lvl 2:
Walks WITH Limitatiosn
GMFCS Lvl 3:
Walks using hand-held mobility device
GMFCS Lvl 4:
Self-Mobility w/ Limitations: May use powered mobility
GMFCS Lvl 5:
Transported in manual WC
GMFCS based on _____ function
Before 2 yrs…
GMFCS lvl may change
After 2yo
GMFCS lvl most likely to stay as is
Body Structure and Function (BSF) in relation to CP
- Aborn mm tone
- Decd strength→ force production, mvmt control
- Impaired motor control
BSF in relation to CP
- Decd mm extensibility/mm tightness
- Impaired postural control
- Skeletal deformity
- Pain
- Fatigue→ diff to overcome pull of gravity → extra effort to do everything
- Abnorm sensation (body awareness, proprio.)
CP is NON-progressive, BUT _____ can be
BSF PRIMARY impairments:
Abnormal Mm Tone
Tone vs. Spasticity
- Tone→ NORMAL resting tension or resistance of mm to passive mvmt
- Spasticity (velocity-dependent)→ NEURAL resistance to externally imposed mvmt which INCs w/ INC speed of stretch and varies w/ direction of mvmt
More on spasticity
- Dev’s over time
- Typ mvmt patterns challenging
- Untreated will contribute to loss of mm length/contractures
Contributing factors assoc’d w/ abnorm mm tone:
- Muscle innervation
- Impaired growth influences
Altered loading
- Lack approp wt bearing from early infancy
- Muscle growth DOES NOT EQUAL bone growth→ bone grows faster vs muscle== hypO-extensibility
- over-lengthened mm’s from mech. stretch or certain ortho sx’s
BSF PRIMARY impairs:
Decd strength
- Children w/ CP unable to gen. normal voluntary force in a mm OR normal torque about a joint
- MM weakness:
- low EMG activity
- inapprop. co-activation of antagonists
- skeletal deformities
- length-tension relationships
- MM weakness:
BSF PRIMARY impairs:
Impaired Motor Control
- Poor selective control of mm activity
- reduced speed mvmt
- reduced reciprocal mvmt (remember bunny hopping from atyp. dev.)
- impaired ability to isolate the activation of mm’s in selected patterns in resp. to voluntary postures etc.
neg. sequelae of PRIMARY impairs
- Decd mm extensibility
- Impaired posture control/balance
- Sk. deformity
- Pain
- Fatigue/impaired endurance
Activity Limits and CP
BSF impacts activities
MOST have diff. w/:
- Mobility
- Gen tasks/demands
- Self-care
- Domestic life skills
Participation restrictions
Children w/ CP @ higher risk of poor participation @ _______ and in ______
@ school
in community
- Decd playground access
- Decd adapted sports
- Limits in IND w/ peers
Contextual Factors
*unique to ea child
- Age
- Sex
- Cog lvl
- Co-morbs
- Motivation lvl
- Play skills
- Attitude towards therapy
Contextual Factors
*unique to ea child
- Support system @ home
- Home set up
- Avail. resources
- Durable Medical Equipment (DME) needs
PT Exam BSF: Strength
*can be challenging w/ CP
Use if possible
MMT when mm group is isolated consistently
PT Exam BSF: Strength
MOST COMMONLY utilized strength assessment for CP
Functional Strength Assessment
- observe motor skills
- STS, floor→stand, squat
- Timed rep. testing
PT Exam BSF: Abnorm Tone/Extensibility
*DOES NOT quantify spasticity exclusively
PT Exam BSF: Abnorm MM tone/Extensibility
BEST to use for PEDS
Modified Tardieu Scale (R1/R2)
*shows change better vs MAS
Barry-Albright Dystonia Scale
Rates dystonia (posturing and involunt. dystonic mvmt)
*know it exists
Mod. Tardieu Scale (R1/R2)
BEST for tone in PEDS
- Measures “catch” to rapid velocity== R1
- Captures dynamic neural component of tone
- Muscle lenght/passive ROM== R2
PT Exam BSF: Impaired Motor Control
- Motor assess in gravity resisted or gravity elimin’d
- Doc qual of mvmt and deg. of isolation ability by jt
- Hemiplegia→ compare to non-involved
PT Exam BSF: Postural Control/Balance
- Selective Control Assessment of the LE (SCALE) test
Postural control
- sway/perturbs response
- visual, computerized, EMG
Balance→ static/dynamic, sitting/standing
- Ped Balance Scale/Ped BERG
Sensory Disturbs
- poor body aware.
- decd proprio/kinesth. aware
- be traditional, use toys
PT Exam BSF: Endurance
Submaximal endurance walk and w/c mobility
- 10 meter walk/roll test
- 6min walk/roll test
- 600 yd walk/run test
- 6 min push test
Maximal Exercise Testing: shuttle run timed, cycling, erg.
PT Exam Activity Limitations: Functional Mobility
- Assess functional tasks
- bed/mat mob, transfers, floor ←→ standing, stairs, ambulation
PT Exam Activity Limitations: Functional Mobility
Common gait devs in CP
- Scissor
- Equinus→ diplegia, hemiplegia
- Tip-toe walk one foot only
- Crouch
PT Exam Activity Limits: Gait
- Gait Analysis→ 3D instrumented
- Comprehensive includes clinical exam of body function and structures
- improves CDM
- Gold Standard for gait research and optimizing outcomes
- costly and questionable validity for daily function
- Comprehensive includes clinical exam of body function and structures
Pt Exam Activity Limitations: Gross Motor Standardized Assessments
Gross Motor Function Measure
Pt Exam Activity Limitations: Gross Motor Standardized Assessments
- GMA → patho mvmt quals characteristic of CP in first few mos of life
Prechtl’s Assessment of Gen Mvmt
- early mos
Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP)
- infants→4mos
- Neuro-Sensory Motor Developmental Assessment
Pt Exam Activity Limitation Standardized Assessments
Following look @ Activity Limits:
- Timed distance tests
- Timed Up and Down Stairs
- Activity Scale for Kids
- WeeFIM
Standardized Measures for Participation
- Child Engagement in Daily Life
- Assess of Life Habits (LIFE-H)
- Childrens Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment
- School Function Assess (SFA)
- QoL:
- Peds QL-CP Module
Med interventions for CP
2 Categories:
- Sx
- Pharma
Common Sx Procedures
- Distal femoral ext osteotomy
Tendon lengthening proc’s often performed
- HS, Heel cords, adductors
- Tendon transfers→ feet
- Spinal fusion for nmsk scoliosis
- Femoral and pelvic hip osteotomies
- Ganz
- Varus Derotational Osteotomy (VDRO)
Sx procedure for what?
Children w/ In-Toe
In-Toeing result of ….
Too much medial femoral torsion (MFT)
→ lack of torque producing activation of glutes/hip rotators==== lack of untwisting of femur
Children IN-Toe why?
to maintain femoral head in acetabulum → otherwise will dislocate
VDRO proc properly aligns what?
Femoral head INTO acetabulum
Typ developing hip joint vs. hip joint w/ too much MFT/anteversion
see pics
Ante= forward
VDRO Why??
- By school age (3yrs)→ Hip rotation should be approx. 1:1 (45d/45deg= 90deg)
- Children w/ CP tend to have too much MFT
Common meds in children w/ CP
- Spasticity mgmt meds
- Anti-epilectics
- Mm relaxers
- GI
- constipation
Spasticity Mgmt
Botulinum Toxin A (Botox) Injections
*WIDELY used for mgmt of CP
- Widely used for mgmt of CP
- Effects last up to 4mos w/ peak effect 2wks after injection***
Other Spasticity Meds besides botox:
- Baclofen
- Watch for SEs!!
- Phenol Alcohol Blocks
- Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR)
See Word Doc for PT interventions for CP