Idiopathic Toe Walking "ITW" Flashcards
Break down “Ideopathic Toe Walking”
- Idiopathic→ Not sure why, unknown cause
Toe Walking
In General
May be seen fleetingly when infants first begin to walk as they develop balance rxns and postural control
Toe walking that persists, becomes more predominant, impacts balance/gait mechanics w/ unknown etiology.
Differential Dx:
- Mild CP, unDx’d MD, Tethered Cord Syndrome, ASD related
A note about premies and tip-toeing
Premies tend to take longer to move out of normal tip-toe stage when first learning to walk***
Potential Causes of ITW
4 Listed:
- Achilles mm shortening→ gastroc/soleus
- Mm weakness of DFs and/or core→ abs, glutes
- *HypOtonia→ Toe walk more as a compensation for weakness→ fixing for stability/balance
- Sensory processing deficits→ seekers vs avoiders
- Rise onto toes to localize all input to toes== SEEKING
- Rise onto toes to avoid input to entire foot==AVOIDING
Potential Causes of Toe Walking
Diff to decipher
True muscular toe walking vs walking that began as sensory deficit resulting in tightening of mm’s
1.Achilles Tightness
*NOTE: PF assocd w/ knee hyperEXT (“PE class”)
- Tightness of mm structures
- may be able to get foot flat→ pronate/hyperEXT to compensate
- no “penguin walk”
- palpable fibrosis @ Achilles
- measure using R1/R2→ clonus/tone may indicate more serious cause
2.Muscle Weakness
- Decd strength DFs OR PF/DF imbalance=toe walk
- Decd abs/glutes→ shifts COM forward= falling foward=toe walk for balance
*HypOtonia→ Fixing thru LEs (knee EXT+PF), becomes habitual=tightness
- poor foot align/midfoot PROnation
3.Sensory Dysfunction in ITW
Seekers vs. Avoiders
Sensory Seeking→
- LESS tight and ABLE to load heels w/ tactile input
- Onto toes when excited or new environment→ verbal cues corrects this**
- Do better shoes off (like how floor feels)
Sensory Avoiding→
- Hard to decipher, shy away from tactile input
- Do better shoes ON (do NOT like floor)
ITW video
slide 7***
Tx of ITW
MUST address underlying cause!
- in add. to primary impairs
Tightness→ stretch!
- Static→ not as effective vs prolonged pos’ing
- Night pos. AFOs→ prolonged 6hrs+ = best
- Wedge stand/active stretch= best
- serial casting→ severe→ 6-8wks
Tx of ITW
“a foot, belly, and butt”
- “A foot, a belly, and a butt”
- foot alignment, core, glutes
- Strats:
- prox strengthening
- flippers
- therabands
- animal walks→ penguin, duck, bear
- K-taping- O→I for facilitation
- gait training
- Brushing protocol (w/ OT)
Diff textures, surfaces, inputs to bottom feets
- vibration*, deep pressure, jt compress, feet in sand/grass, pebble walk (in socks too), spio/compress vest
ankle wts→ proprio and body awareness*
Posterior Wt Line Training aka
Getting wt. back over heels
Posterior Wt Line Training
- Moving COM back over heels: makes it challenging to stay on toes
- Theory: Load heel=gastroc/soleus relax + actively lengthen
- backwards walk, squats, flippers, gait train hold heavy obj,
gait train to facil. heel load:
- squeakers bottom feet→ auditory
- heel soles cut out→ posterior rocker created
- heel wedge/post w/ serial cast
Additional Tx for ITW
- typ avoid AFOs unless severe
- SMOs/FOs→ stable base/arch support→ especially hypOtonia*** KNOW THIS!!!
- carbon fiber/stiff footplate
- Tims
- High tops
SMOs and FOs for stable base/arch support
ESPECIALLY in those w/______-