Congenital Muscular Torticollis + Cranial Abnormalities Flashcards
Congenital Muscular Torticollis (CMT) Defined
- Asymmetrical posturing of the head and neck resulting in a variable degree of lateral head tilt + rotation
- “Wry neck”
Associated impairments/findings w/ CMT
- Hip dysplasia→ incd risk w/ incd severity of torticollis (bc in-utero pos’ing)
- Brachial Plexus injury (BPI), distal extremity deforms (Metatarsus Adductus, club foot), dev. delays, face/skull asymm, TMJ dysf
Primary issue resulting in CMT
Fibrosis of SCM
SCM→ IPSILAT flexion c/s, CONTRALAT rotation c/s
Fibrosis of ________=== primary issue in CMT
How is Torticollis named?
Named for side of HEAD TILT****
CMT Clinical Presentation:
- Head tilt to IPSILAT (same) side, rotation to CONTRALAT (opp) side
- Ex. Right torticollis
- Right head tilt, left cervical rotation
- Ex. Right torticollis
Causes of CMT
- True cause→ unknown
Risk factors→
- Packaging issues/fetal crowding== MOST COMMON (esp first-born)
- multiple births (twin A impacted most), tumor on SCM, breech pos (butt first), prolonged labor, LGA >8.5lbs, poor post-natal pos’ing
Butt first
Differential Dx for CMT
- Klippl-Fell Syndrome, bony abnorms, Neuro syndromes, Brachial plexus injury, ocular defects, auditory defects, GERD
Differential Dx for CMT
Klippl-Fell Syndrome
Rare dis. w/ congenital fusion of 2/7 cervical spine vertebrae
Differential Dx for CMT
Bony abnorms
bloc vertebra
Differential Dx for CMT
Neuro Syndromes: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Torticollis (BPPT)
Torticollis switches sides*
Self-limiting and resolves w/out intervention
Differential Dx for CMT
Can be w/ or w/out clavicular fx
Differential Dx for CMT
Auditory defects
Chronic ear infxs
Differential Dx for CMT
Baby tries to arch head/neck AWAY from sensation==> Torticollis
Tests/Imaging for Torticollis
US, Xrays,
Severe cases→ CT/MRI
Torticollis Prognosis
2 Key Things:
- Earlier referral=== better/faster resolution of sx’s
- MOST have full resolution of sx’s when RX started prior to age 1
Better outcomes for torticollis when?
If RX started prior to age 1
Torticollis prognosis
- Earlier referral===better/faster resolution sx’s
- prevents 2* impairs
- MOST have full resolution when RX started prior to age 1
- Residual head tilt may be present
May see re-emergence of head tilt posture when acquiring new motor skills
- bc forget about it while learning/focusing on new skills***
We should see AND observe CMT by when for best outcomes?
3 months
Torticollis Exam:
The Hx
- Age @ initial visit (we want <3mos), age of onset sx’s,
Pregnancy hx:
- baby “stuck” in one pos, # of pregnancy
Delivery info:
- Vag or C-section
- cephalic or breech
- forceps? suction?
- how long did mom push (2nd stage labor)
Additional Subjective Info for CMT Exam:
- Family hx?→ if yes==poor post-natal pos’ing
- Head posture/preference, face changes
- Dev. milestones not approp for age
- med cond’s
pos’ing t/o day:
- jumpers, car seats, strollers, swings, bouncers
- Prone tolerance**→ poor in children w/ CMT
Screening Systems
- Facial features/symmetry, posture in supine/upright, skull shape bc flat head, entire spine, shoulder, hips,
- *palpation of entire length of mm belly for fibrosis or mass→ SCM
Screening Systems
- r/o more serious causes, look for abnorm tone, age approp reflexes, CN integrity,
- Look for appearance of BPI→ abnorm mvmt/low mm tone of one UE
Screening Systems
Vision screen
- Tracking ability, nystagmus, perceptual deficit→ posture in supine vs upright
- Visual torticollis→ abnorm posture resolves in supine and returns in upright due to lack of horizon in supine
Screening systems
Auditory screen
- Assess response to name, sound, music toys
- Does child suffer from chronic ear infxs?
Screening Systems
- Skin fold asymm→ neck and glutes
- Color, cond of neck fold skin on side of torticollis bc head tilt compressing skin
- maybe open/foul odor
Screening Systems
- rib expansion, B/L clavicular mvmts, resp distress or accessory breath sounds i.e. wheezing
Screening Systems
Torticollis + _______ go hand and hand****
Torticollis and reflux ******
Screening Systems
- Hx via parent report
- constipation or reflux→ Reflux and torticollis go hand and hand****
- preferential feeding one breast or side
- arching behaviors
Torticollis Red Flags
*if hx or screening indicate any of the following a referral back to primary MD indicated
- Suspected hip dysplasia
- Plagiocephaly/skull deform and facial asymm.
- Atypical presentation→ Tilt/Turn to SAME side OR plagiocephaly and torticollis SAME side***
- Abnorm tone
- Late onset >6mos→ maybe neuro impair
- Visual abnorms→ gaze aversion, inconsist tracking
- Hx of acute onset usually == trauma or acute illness
Musculoskeletal Exam:
Document→ posture + B/L CS AROM/PROM into rotation, LF, ext
- likely resting head tilt w/ or w/out rotation, ipsilat shoulder elevation, anterior CS tight limits CS ext=poor prone skills, ROM/posture of entire length of spine bc trunk component present in severe cases
- A/PROM all 4 extremities
Palpation of SCM + assoc’d structures
- Tightness→ upper traps, levator scap, scalenes, hyoids
Assessing PROM in infant w/ CMT
- Research says use→ arthrodial protractor
- Goni/angle finder OK too
- PROM/AROM cervical rotation
- Position→ Supine
- Stationary arm→ neutral
- Moving arm→ follows child as they rotate in line w/ nose
- Look down onto cranium from supine
- PROM/AROM lateral flexion
- Pos→ Supine
- Stationary arm→ pointing towards belly button
- axis @ chin
- Moving arm→ middle of cranium
MSK Exam for CMT cont’d
Strength assessment:
- Assess ability to laterally flex (should be 4mos) against gravity OR right their head to horizon→ Muscle Function Scale (MFS)
- Time ability to hold pos.→ mm endurance
MSK Exam for CMT
Developmental Assessment:
- Look for:
- asymm in skills, delay in milestones,
- Rolling (typ to see rolling to contralateral side first)
- Delay in prone skills, SLOW to crawl/creep
- Most w/ CMT enjoy standing sooner bc less stress on CS
MSK Exam for CMT
Approp. standardized assessments to use:
Muscle Function Scale
Assesses ability to lateral flex against gravity OR right head to horizon
In general, CMT should NOT be painful
- Assess discomfort @ rest→ FLACC scale should be used****
- CMT should NOT be painful!!!
Cranial Anthropometrics:
- Facial asymmetries
- Skull deforms:
- plagiocephaly
- brachiocephaly
- Combination***
Tx of CMT
- Principle→ STRETCH tight side, STRENGTHEN weak side
CPG 3 categories:
- “First Choice”→ most evidence*
- “Supplemental”→ not as strong evidence
- Interventions not supported by any
First Choice Interventions basic principle:
Strengthen weak side
Stretch tight side
First Choice Interventions listed:
- Neck/Trunk PROM and AROM
- Developmental skills w/ emphasis on symmetrical mvmt
- Parent/caregiver edu.
First Choice Interventions:
Neck/Trunk PROM
Positioning or manual maneuvers
Should be comfortable → NO fighting stretch*** (remember example of older PTs doing this—-BAD!)
Neck and Trunk AROM
Rotation, LF, mvmt into upper quadrants
First Choice Interventions:
Developmental skills→ emphasis on symmetrical mvmt
What is VERY EFFECTIVE for this?
First Choice Interventions:
Developmental skills→ emphasis on symmetrical mvmt
- Strengthen→ rotators, extensors, LFs
- Devices→ theraball, swings, wobble boards, wedges, boppy pillows
NOTE: LF emerges 4mos***
First Choice Interventions:
Parent/Caregiver Edu.
Environmental adaptations:
- positioning, stretching/strengthening,
- tips for carrying, feeding, room set up
Stress importance of daily HEP
- *Routine-based activities into what they are already doing!!!
- try to implement into routine so its not new and adherence will be higher!
- *Routine-based activities into what they are already doing!!!
Interventions for Stretching***
- Stretching/positioning
- AVOID pressure to jaw, ear, cheek
- *stabilize shoulder to prevent compensations
Interventions: Strengthening
see pics
Supplemental Interventions
*lower lvls of evidence to support use
- Microcurrent e-stim, custom fabricated cervical orthoses, K-taping to contralat. neck to facilitate lateral righting rxns,
- Tubular Orthosis for Torticollis (TOT collar)
Additional Interventions W/OUT Supporting Evidence
*Documented and widely used in tx of CMT→ insuff. evidence to support use and further research indicated
Cranial sacral techniques
Total Motion Release (TMR)
Lapses in Improvement…..Why?
Illness, constipation, poor night’s sleep, teething, growth spurts*, gaining new skills (and forget about torticollis ex’s)
When to Refer Back to PCP
Child NOT progressing after:
- 4-6wks intense PT
- 6mos of PT w/ only mod resolution
- Infant >12 months @ IE and a 10-15* diff persists
- Mass present in infants >7mos
- may be more serious cond.
- MAY be Indicated for Botox to tight SCM OR sx release of SCM***
When to D/C
We want them to be doing what???
- When ROM is w/in 5* of uninvolved side***
- On target for motor skills and no asymm of motor skills present
- NO visible head tilt
- Parents IND w/ HEP
- *CPG recommends f/u screen 3-12mos after D/C
Infants w/ postional head deforms are more likely to reach motor milestones ________ vs other babies
Positional Plagiocephaly/Skull Deformity
- Infants w/ pos’l head deforms likely to reach motor milestones LATER vs other babies
3 Categories Skull Abnorms:
- Plagiocephaly
- Brachiocephaly
- Scaphocephaly
3 categories skull abnorms
Plagio, Brachio, Scaphocephaly
This skull abnorm. is usually associated w/ Torticollis
Plagiocephaly cranial abnorm is usually associated w/…
Describe findings:
Ipsilateral ear shift
Ipsilateral frontal bossing (popping up)
Ear shift forward on ipsilateral side
Think “Paralellogram head”***
Positional Plagiocephaly
“Parallelogram Head”
see pics
This cranial abnorm IS NOT ASSOCIATED W/ CMT
*developmentally delayed→ supine too much
- Brachycephaly→ Bilateral forehead bossing, incd posterior vault, bilateral protrusion of parietal bone above ears
- CI of >81%
- dev. delayed→ supine too much, NOT assocd w/ CMT***
Scaphocephaly (AKA- Dolichocephaly)
- ScAphocephaly→ long, nArrow skull shape
- NOT assocd w/ CMT***
Facial Asymmetry
see pics
Abnormal premature closure of skull sutures; does not allow brain growth
- *Typical→ babys skull fuses @ 8mos, full closure of sutures @ 2 yrs
- Typ. presents w/ palpable ridge on suture lines, contralateral bossing and posterior shift of IPsilateral ear
- Helmets DO NOT improve head shape→ likely reqs sx
How to tell difference bw:
Plagiocephaly vs Craniosynostosis
Plagio→ “Parallelogram head”
- Contralat occ. bossing
- Ipsilat ear displaced ANT.
- Ipsilat frontal bossing
Craniosynostosis→ “Trapezoid head”
- Ipsilat occ bossing
- Ipsilat ear displaced POST
- Contralat parietal bossing
Plagiocephaly vs Craniosynostosis
Shapes drawn out
Plagio→ Parallelogram head
Cranio→ Trapezoid head
Positioning Programs for Plagiocephaly/Skull Deforms
- Parent edu, STRESS TUMMY TIME+alleviating stress on back of head while awake,
- Still have child sleep on back***
- Bumbos, devices to relieve/prevent posturing→ Tortle, work closely w/ MD
How to determine course of Rx for Cranial Deformity
- Monitor head shape
- → measurement of cranial anthropometrics: Calipers and tape measures
- No tools+ mod-severe==> refer to orthotist for head scan
Measurement/Important Landmarks
- Glabella (g): most prom. point bw supraorbital ridges (bw eyebrows)*
- Opisthocranion (op): most prom point of occiput
- Eurion (eu): most lateral point either side of head
- Frontotemporale (ft): most med. point of temporal crest (palpate, typ. @ lateral point of eyebrow)
- Lambdoideal point (ld): junction bw occiptal and parietal bones
most prom. point bw supraorbital ridges (bw eyebrows)*
most prom point of occiput
Most lateral point on either side of head
Most medial point on temporal crest (palpate, typ @ lateral point of eyebrow)
Lambdoideal point
Junction bw occipital and parietal bones
Head Length
Glabella→ Opisthocranion
Head Width
Eurion→ Eurion
Head Circumference
Encircle tape measure around head covering glabella and opisthocranion
Left frontotemporale to Right lambdoideal
Right frontotemporale to Left lambdoideal
Cranial Vault Asymmetry Index
CVAI== (A-B)x100/A or B (whichever larger)
A and B are obliques
Cranial Index aka Cranial Ratio
CI or CR
CI==M/L/A/P x 100
5 Levels of Severity
*Things to KNOW!
- Lvl 3: mod-severe== recommend orthotist
Severity dictates recommendation for helmet***
- BEST TIME bw _4-8_mos
Best time for helmet
Bw 4-8mos
Argenta Scale
rec’d by CPG- easy/no equip
Via observation of skull shape
2 main types:
- Star Band -→ “fixin my flat”
- Doc Band
Helmets best to rx bw____ and ______ and WHY?
4 and 8mos of age*****
Best to rx b/w 4 and 8mos of age
- Best window for improve.
- can hold head up***
- Duration→ 23/24 hrs/day, length depends on severity
- Night only once improve. obtained***
Name that Torticollis!
Name that Torticollis!
Name that Torticollis!
Name that Torticollis!
Name that Torticollis!
Name that Torticollis!
Remember named for lateral tilt
SCM– ipsilat LF, contralat ROT.
Name that Head Shape!
Parietal Plagiocephaly
Name that Head Shape!
R. Anterior Plagiocephaly
Name that Head Shape!
Long, nArrow skull
Name that Head Shape!
R. Parietal Plagiocephaly
Name that Head Shape!
*easy to remember, supine too much→ flat in back
Name that Head Shape!
Name that Head Shape!
R. Parietal Plagiocephaly