L1 supporting metabolism Flashcards
why do we need CVRS
These body systems carry oxygen to the muscles and organs of the body, and remove waste products, including carbon dioxide.
metabolism uses what
metabolism produces what
how to quantify metabolism
RQ= amount of CO2 produced/ amount of oxgyen used
functions of RS
-gas exchnage
-blood pH control
-immune function
temp control
-blood reservoir in vessels
what airways are present in RS
upper and lower
parts of upper airways and functions
-nasal cavity
functions are filtering, warming, humidifying and distribution of air
parts of lower airways and functions
trachea, primary bronchi and lungs
-distributing air and gas exchnage
what zones are there in lower airway and what are they
- conducting zone - air transferred from the airways to the gas exchnage regions
- respiratory zone - regions where gas exchange occur
features of alveoli
- from the respiratory brionchiole
- large SA for efficient exchange
- has ciliated cell to trap any excess air particles in mucusb
functions of CVS
-transport of nutrients and hormones
–gas exchnage
-blood pH control
-immune function
temp control
-blood reservoir in vessels
calculating flow regarding pressure and resistance
flow = Pressure/R
-for laminar flow
units for pressure in RS
cmH2O or kPa
units for pressure in CVS
how does the pressure change from the left artium all the way to the right atrium
pressure decreases
types of pressures in RS
- P(B) - barometric pressure -outside of chest wall
- P(Pl) between pleural membranes (parietal and visceral pleura)
- P(A) - in the alveoli
- Paw - in the airways