L1 - Intro to Industrial & Organizational Psychology Flashcards
In 1933, __________ further strengthened this study calling on organizations to treat workers as people and not a means to an end. He stressed on the importance of employee attitudes, good superior and employee relations and the effects of these on production.
Elton Mayo
Father of Industrial psychology, forerunner of applying psychological findings to real life situations.
Hugo Munsterberg
Developments on I/O psychology revolved around technological advancements, its effects on work productivity and quality circles which gave birth to?
Total Quality Management
Continuous Quality Improvement
Continuous Process Improvement
a change in behavior is seen due to a new stimulus
Hawthorne Effect
Unique to the workforce today is the presence of FOUR generations in organizations:
Baby boomers
Gen X
Gen Y
The first school for professional management was established in ______ (In Pre-World War era)
Nowadays, organizations promote ________________ where employees are expected to balance work with their personal lives.
work life integration
Munsterberg became the president of the APA in _________
looking into different underlying factors that influence the individual
Organizational Psychology
In the vast topic of psychology, ___________________ looks at the person in his work environment and studies how different organizational and group elements influence his mind and actions.
industrial and organizational psychology
A few years later, _________ gave a speech in the American Psychological Association (APA) where he encouraged psychologists to conduct research on “concrete activities and functions as they appear in everyday life.”
W.L. Bryan
When World War 1 came, _________ offered help to the USA military in selecting personnel. Though it took time convincing the military of his techniques, he was later on awarded for his help.
scientific study of an individual, his behaviors and how his mind works
Pertinent to the development of I/O psychology is the research that _____________ (Operant Conditioning- Reinforcements) did in Beyond Freedom and Dignity where he talked about behavior modification methods in motivating people.
B.F. Skinner
The University of Pennsylvania received a donation from __________ to start researches and studies revolving I/O psychology.
Joseph Wharton
In 1924, _____________ of the Western Electric Company conducted research on lighting and efficiency. They noticed that as lighting increased, efficiency increased.
Hawthorne Works
Psychological scientist ____________ achieved an astounding number of ‘firsts. ‘ An expert in industrial psychology, she was the first woman to become full professor in engineering school at Purdue University in 1935 and she was the first woman elected to the National Academy of Engineering.
Lillian Moller Gilbreth
looking into different job functions present in organizations
Industrial Psychology
2 focus/fields of IO
(1) focused on scientific research
(2) practice of I/O
In 1903, ____________ published books on the application of psychology in advertising called The Theory and Practice of Advertising. In 1909, he became a professor for applied psychology and led the bureau of salesmanship research in Pittsburgh Carnegie Technical University.
Walter Dill Scott
In 1913, Munsterberg’s book called the ____________ was one of the top selling books as it tackled principles on selection of employees, work efficiency and its effects on sales, advertising, and marketing
Psychology and Industrial Efficiency
At the time of the World War 1, _____________ was the most influential psychologist due to his work on selection of soldiers based on mental health.
Robert Yerkes
___________ has been the talk of town since the late 90s and it continues to be a major concern for psychologists because of how it shapes and changes organizations.
He was known in the industry for being the first to articulate selection and recruitment factors that included appearance and character. He also developed selection tests that measured intelligence and other skills needed in certain jobs.
Walter Dill Scott
By World War 2, many I/O practices were greatly improved to include the ___________________ which served as a selection assessment of soldiers.
Army General Classification Test
The study of industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology originated in the ___________ in the early ________ through the work of psychologists Hugo Münsterberg and Walter Dill Scott (both of whom were trained by German physiologist and psychologist Wilhelm Wundt)
United States, 1900s
_____________ is known for his contribution of revamping work situations to obtain higher productivity for the organization and efficiency for the worker. In 1909, his book called the Shop Management focused on organization’s management’s role in encouraging higher productivity from workers thereby avoiding people’s inclination to slack off at work.
Frederick W. Taylor
someone who practices the field, employed in organizations to practice I/O psychology
With advanced technological developments, organizations are now being able to conduct their processes ________________.
online and via the worldwide web