Kommunikasjonsferdigheter Flashcards
Hvor stor del av vår kommunikasjon er nonverbal?
- Så mye som 80%
- When strong emotions are being expressed, nonverbals are even more significant than what the person is saying
Hva er viktig med nonverbal kommunikasjon?
- Nonverbals regulate the interaction (indicating pauses and stopping points),
- they can enhance intimacy,
- and they can be persuasive
- Body cues, not just facial expressions, help us understand powerful feelings
Hva er de nonverbale kommunikajsons-metodene ?
- Eye-to-eye contact. Speakers who maintain eye contact with their audience are considered to be more credible and create more interest
- Body posture. A relaxed and attentive posture is one of the fundamental tools for putting the client at ease.
- Silence. Allowing for small periods of silence gives the client moments for reflection and the helper time for processing.
- Voice tone. The helper raises the voice slightly or gives emphasis to words that convey that the client’s experience has been understood
- Facial expressions. They convey the helper’s reactions to the client’s feelings, and can serve as invitations to greater disclosure or potentially close the door
- Gestures are physical motions we use to convey emotion or emphasize important points.
- Physical distance. The smaller the physical distance, the more personal the interaction.
- Touch can communicate caring and concern
Måter å oppmuntre klient til å fortelle mer, og hva de går ut på?
- A door opener is generally a positive, nonjudgmental response made during the initial phase of a contact.
- Minimal encouragers are verbal responses that show interest and involvement but allow the client to determine the primary direction of the conversation.
Hva er grunner for å bruke lukkede spørsmål i terapi?
- Closed questions are important when you need to get the facts straight—especially when there is an emergency situation or when an understanding of the complicated facts is crucial to your getting the full picture of the client’s story.
- Sometimes, the helper must delve and pry to get the important facts
Hva er de tre komponentene av en klients utsagn?
(1) the client’s understanding of the facts and his or her thoughts (a cognitive level),
(2) the client’s underlying feelings (an emotional level),
(3) hidden meanings (an existential level)
Hvilke typer av reflekterende ferdigheter har vi?
- The reflecting skill of paraphrasing
- The skill of reflecting feelings
- The skill of reflecting meaning
- Summarizing
Hva er å parafrasere?
(1) listening carefully to the client’s story
(2) giving back to the client a condensed, nonjudgmental version of the facts and thoughts.
- The paraphrase is actually a miniature version of the client’s story. It is the essence of what the client says
- It is reflecting story content and client thoughts
Hva er å reflektere følelse?
-It involves listening and then expressing in one’s own words the emotions stated or implied by the client.
Hva er å reflektere mening?
-It is a technique that helpers use to restate the personal impact and significance of the event the client is describing.
Hva er å oppsummere, og hvilke typer finnes?
- Summarizing pulls together everything a client has said in a brief synopsis of the session up to that point.
- A focusing summary. At the beginning of a session, a summary may help to focus the conversation before it begins.
- In the middle of a session, the signal summary tells the client that the helper has digested what has been said and that the session can move on to the next topic.
- The thematic summary is an advanced reflecting skill because it means that the helper has to be able to make connections among the content, emotions, or meanings expressed in many client statements or even over many sessions.
- Planning summaries entail a review of the progress, plans, and agreements made during the session.
Hvorfor skal man utfordre/ konfrontere klienten?
- Ved å utfordre ber vi klienten følge med på alle aspekter av sin egen historie.
- Sometimes it becomes necessary for helpers to “dare” clients to examine the inconsistencies in their stories by giving them feedback and, at other times, by confronting discrepancies.
- It motivates the clients to act to make changes in their circumstances.
Hvorfor skal man sette mål i hjelpende samtaler?
- it will be easier for you to identify compatible techniques and the plan will make sense to the client.
- help the client gain confidence even if the objectives are rather modest
- help us know when the helping relationship should end.
- Clients make better progress
Forklar Rogers begreper, ekthet, empati og varme
- Empatikan ses som evnen til å oppfatte hvordan andre opplever hendelser, følelser og tilstander - og så å kommunisere dette til dem
- Ekthet er en ubetinget positiv holdning til klienten, og det er helt avgjørende for at klimaet i samtalen skal være så godt at endring kan finne sted.