Avslutning og evaluering av hjelpende samtaler Flashcards
Hvorfor skal man fortløpende evaluere effekten av hjelpende samtaler?
- It keeps us from wasting our time or from potentially damaging the helping relationship
- If you track outcomes, the therapist can gain a personal sense of power and confidence that they are doing something that works.
- Evaluation of effect is important to good outcomes and it prevents dropouts.
- Evalueringenkan brukes både til å sementere viktige element som klienten kan jobbe videre med, men også til å utvikle deg som terapeut.
Forklar globale og spesifikke mål på bedring?
- Utilizing global measures periodically can help you chart whether the client is generally improving or deteriorating.
- Sometimes you are looking for a specific change such as a decrease in depression, anxiety, and the like. Then you have to use specific measure.
Hvordan kan man som hjelper prøve å forhindre for tidlig avslutninger?
- Use client feedback and assess client progress. Create a strong working alliance early on and fix ruptures as they occur.
- Avoid delays in seeing clients.
- Make contracts with clients , in cases and settings where clients might be expected to drop out early.
- Do not process clients through several channels.
- Provide an orientation to the helping process, and offer information about the qualifications of the helper
- Use reminders to motivate client attendance
- When a client terminates early, call him or her and find out why.
- In cases where the client decides to terminate before goal completion, the helper should make it easy for the client to return at a later time.
- Consider negotiating a treatment plan with the client
Når er det riktig å avslutte hjelpende samtaler med en klient?
- Clients should be terminated when they have attained their goals
- When they have been receiving counselling or psychotherapy for some time and have not made progress
- When there are signs that they can handle their issues independently.
- Det er ikke alle vi kan hjelpe. Noen ganger er vi nødt til å avslutte saker av ulike årsaker.
Hvordan kan hjelperen jobbe for å forhindre at klienten får tilbakefall?
- A general technique to deal with relapse is to normalize it
- Another way is to schedule follow-up sessions. So-called booster sessions
- Role-playing can allow the client to face risky situations more realistically
- Letter writing by the helper is an underutilized but powerful way to spark the client’s motivation to continue working on goals
- Self-help groups can be extremely powerful support
- Self-monitoring where the client keeps records of progress on the treatment goals
Hva er “Drop-out” raten, og hvorfor velger klienter å avslutte?
- Vanlig drop-out rate er 49% i følge en undersøkelse
- Måten klienten oppfatterrelasjonen på er avgjørende for at de ikke fortsetter i terapi.
- Andre avslutter terapiengrunnet økonomi