Knowledge of God's Existence (1) Flashcards
What are different types of knowing?
- I know 2+2=4
- I know Peter Smith
- I know OF Peter Smith
These are different types of knowing
What is Natural Theology?
God can be known through reason and observation of the world
What is Revealed Theology?
God can only be known when he lets himself be known, for example through revelation, prophets scripture or prayer
What is the main difference between Natural and Revealed Theology?
- God is uniquely different from any other object and requires a different type of reason
- Natural Theology attempt to provide rational justification of God, despite Gods existence lying beyond reason
- Revealed Theology argues only God himself can reveal his being (can be considered irrational)
What are incorrigible facts and how is this linked to ‘True Knowledge’?
- Incorrigible facts are facts which cannot be disputed, e.g scientific fact about the world and its properties
- True Knowledge however can be said to be the understanding of life and what makes it worth living
What is the Ancient View on ‘True Knowledge’?
- The love (philos) of wisdom (sophia)
- Second knowledge ‘wisdom’ to ‘know oneself’ and their place in society to live well
What is the knowledge of God in relation to ‘True Knowledge’?
- Can be argued that true knowledge is the knowledge of God as he provides life
- If we know God we can understand life§
Quote the catechism on their support for natural theology?
- “acknowledges that love and entrusts himself to that creator”
- The Catholic Church supports natural theology
- They argue that the natural world provides a point of contact between us and God
What is the ‘Sensus Divinitatus’ and who agree with it? (Quote)
- Calvin calls this the innate sense of the divine through our natural inclination to carry out religious practice such as ritual and prayer
“no one can look upon himself without immediately turning… to the contemplation of God” - The Catholic Church also agrees with this
What is biblical support for the ‘Sensus Divinitatus’? (The Unknown God)
- Speech of St Paul to Athenians is regarded as Biblical support
- He has to convince them they are worshipping the true God among many altars, one is dedicated to the “unknown God”
- Desire to know this “unknown God” has been a quest for Greek Philosophers even if they are unaware of this
What is the Universal Consent argument for the innate sense of God?
- Stated by Cicero
- Argued so many people believe in Gods
- Though it does not prove Gods existence it shows it is reasonable to believe in God due to so many people believing in him
How does the Catechism argue for the innate sense of God? (Quote)
“so universal that one may well call man a religious being”
- Catechism states that prayer, sacrifice, ritual and meditation despite the ambiguities are universal
How does human sense of beauty and moral goodness point to the knowledge of God?
- Human ability to find beauty in music, landscapes and craft shows we have an openness to truth and beauty
- Human sense of beauty are foundations for the knowledge of God
How does Natural Law indicate knowledge of God?
- Catholic indication of innate knowledge of God
- NL believes all humans have an innate sense of goodness, fairness and justice
- Small children quickly develop a sense of fairness and justice
How does Conscience reveal knowledge of God for Calvin?
- Calvin believed conscience was extremely important in knowledge of God and morality
- It is a god given faculty as we are made in the image of God, part of our moral choice making responds to Gods will
- Conscience means ‘joint knowledge’ between ourselves and God, his presence give us a sense of moral judgement
What does Aquinas argument for Gods existence show about the knowledge of God?
- Aquinas’ argument for the existence of God was based around the first cause
- This does not definitively prove Gods existence but a strong reason to believe
- Shows God is abstract and greater than our finite minds
What is Calvins notion of ‘Duplex Cognito Domini’? (Quote)
- Two fold knowledge of God; God as creator and God as redeemer, outlined by Calvin in his ‘institutes’
- “no spot in the universe where you cannot discern at least some sparks of his glory” - Calvin
What is Calvins ‘Principle of Accommodation’?
- Human minds are finite and we cannot know God through reason, God manifests himself through creation in ways the human mind can understand
- ‘sparks of glory’ in nature let us see Gods love, power, justice and mercy
What is a world of purpose and how does Paley indicate this? Include a weakness to Paley’s argument?
- Paley’s watch argument places emphasis on a world of purpose that has a God
- Theory of evolution however proposes nature could just be a brute force and have no explanation
What is Process Theology?
- Influenced by quantum physics/quantum uncertainty
- Notion that God and the world act in tandem; God works with natural processes to maximise their greatest potential at any moment in time
Quote Process Theologian Ian Barbour and expand on his ideas?
“God who acts not by coercing but by evoking the response of his creatures”
- God’s ‘persuasion’ asserts that there is no grand end for where nature is moving, every moment is an end in itself
- No distinction between natural and revealed theology, God’s revelation is his participation in nature
What is Calvins view on the Fall and Natural Theology?
- Calvin argues natural theology overlooks the corruption of humanity due to the fall
- He argues if Adam remained upright (si integer stessitet Adam) we would know God and achieve perfect happiness
How does Calvins view on the Fall show God as a redeemer? (Quote)
“Until Christ the mediator comes forward to reconcile him to us”
- God as a redeemer of humankind, knowing God is to be regenerated and True knowledge is salvation in Christ
- Effects of the Original Sin are see through religious ignorance, indifference and being distracted by the material world
What did Dawkins believe about Faith?
- Belief of Gods revelation requires faith and some form of reason
- Dawkins called faith a ‘cop out’ of having to explain views
What is Unformed Faith for Aquinas?
- Faith which may have intellectual reason why but one cannot accept it is true
e.g devils believed in God but did not trust him to save them
What is Formed Faith for Aquinas?
- Faith which wills to accept what it can believe through intellect
- Requires the discipline of prayer and worship to know what is true and good to accept
What is Firm and Certain Knowledge for Calvin?
- Criticism to Aquinas for not making Christ the direct object of faith
- Firm knowledge is only revealed by Christ and sealed by the holy spirit
What is ‘Willingness to believe’ for Calvin?
- Faith is ‘given to anyone who is willing to accept it’, an emotional and spiritual assurance when we believe in redemption and salvation of Christ
What is the Revealed Knowledge of God in Jesus Christ?
- Calvin does not make a sharp distinction between general and special revelation
- The Final Revelation of Christ in the New Testament resolves all contradictions in the Old Testament