Knee joint Flashcards
what are the three articulations in the knee joint
Tibia -femoral (lateral comndyle of femur- lat condyle tibia, medial condyle of femur- medial condyle of tibia- weight bearing

Patello femoral joint

what is the aperture in the knee joint for?
Popliteus tendon attachment to the lateralfemur (posteriroly)

label this view of the anteriro knee jooint capsuekl

Th synovial membrane of the jpint cpasule reflects anteriroly into the intercondylar area , WHY?
excldues the area that will attach the cruciate ligaments

what is the gap for in the firbous joint capsule laterally)

|Poplitesu tendon
Name the bursa behind/ superiror to the Patella
what muscle is it attached to
Suprapetaaalr tednon
is attached to the articularis genu miuscle (pulls the suprapaetall burs superiroly during extension)

what are the roles of the meniscus

tough rubbery firbocaetolage acts a s a shock absorbers
lateral and medial meniscus
label the bursa

clergyman knee?
superficial infrapatella bursa
overuse/ swlling inflammatio
cause of housemaids Knee?
Pre patella bursa inflamamtion

Label the ligametns on the posteriro Knee
What is there role

tight in knee extension (most stable positiotn- slack in flexion)
Lateral (fibular) collateral ligament
medial (tibia collateral ligamen t)
arcuate popleatla ligament (lateral side)
Oblique popliteal ligament (medial side)

Label the ligametns in the anteriro of the Knee

role of the medial (tibial) collateral ligament? TCL
is it attached to the medial meniscus?
stabilsies the joint medially
the midpoint of the TCL is attahched to the medial meniscus
the medial mensicus is thus less mobile than the lateral due to the attachemnt to the TCL- more likely to tear medial mensicus

which meniscus are you more likely to tear and why?
Medial mensicus
attached to TCL midpoitn- less flexible - more fixed, more lielly to tear
What is the role of the Lateral (fibular) collateral ligament (FCL)
stbailises lateral aspect of the joint
IS NOT attached tothe lateral minsicus unlike the TCL

what is the role of the arcuate popliteal ligament?

Aries from the posteiro aspect of the fibula head
passes superomediall over the tendon of popliteus then becomes continus with the fibrous capsule
Strenths joint capsule posterolateralu

The oblique popliteal ligament is an extension of which posteriro thigh compartment muscle?

Are the Cruciate ligaments inside out outside the synovial cavity of the knee?
OUTSIDE the synovial caviyt
but INSIDe the fibroisu capsule of the knee joint
Label this

Describe where the Anterior cruciate ligament ACL attaches?
arises from Anteriro part of interocndylar area of tibia
Passes laterall to the medial side of the lateral femoral condyle

what is the role of the ACL
ACL helops to medially rotate the femur to lock the knee when standing
describe ther attachments of the cruicate ligament?
arises from the psoterio part of the interocmndylar are of the tibia
passes to the Lateral side of the medial codndyalr

tip to remeber

when are the cruciate ligametn tight and when are they sl;ack
tight when knee is extened
slack when knee is flexed
describe how the cruciate ligametnns preecent sliding of the fibia on a fixed femur
ACL- stops tibia sliding anteriroly on fixed femur
PCLP- stops tibia sliding posterirorly on fixed femur

Drawer test
move leg laterally to test the……
medial collateral ligament
Drawer test
move the leg meidally to stress/tes tthe ……
lateral cruciate ligametn

The ACL does what?
Prevents the femur sliding posteriror

the PCL does what?
prevetns the femur sliidng anteriorly

what is a sign that you have torn the ACL or PCL in aknee injury
swelling is immediate to the injurty as the ACL and PCL are vascularised when they tear they bleed
what is the /terrible triad of knee injiury
ruputre of medial collateral; ligament
tearing medial mincus
tearing ACL
tearing the lateral (fibular) collateral ligamrnt is often associated to dmage of which mnerve
Common fibular nerve