Hip Osteology Flashcards
Label the different parts of the hip bone

what is this Structutre and what is it made off?
Rim of acetbulum- fibro cartilage -acetabular labrum
Label this anteriro View of the proximal Femur
(hints are trochanter!)

Is this View Posteriror or anteriro of the proximal femur?
Label it

POSTERIOR- we no this because the less trochanter is much more prominent- trochanters connected by intertrochanteric crest
can aslos see linea aspera
whar is the allow poining at

what is the linea aspera forming by a joining off?

gluteal tubersotiy and pectineal line

What are the 2 major intrinsic ligaments of the hip joint (anterior?
Iliofemoral (attach from ilium to femur)- largets and strongest

Pubofemerol ligaments
what is the name of the intrinisc ligament that strenghts the posteriror hip joint?
Ischio femoral (ischium—-> femoral

Label the intrinsic hip joint ligaments

ilio femoral
(use the name to help you!!)

What is this Structure?

Ligament of the head of the femur

In the femero acetabular joint what is its name?

Tranever acetabular ligament
what artery in children becomes a ligament in adults?
artery to the head of the femur becomes ligament of the had of the femur (or acetabula rbhacn of the obturator)

Label this X ray of the Hip

Describe the most common type of femero-acetabula dislcoation and how it might happen?
signigicant amount of foce needed (like knee againt dashboard)
femur is posteriro dislcoated in most cases
can casue fracture to rim and psoteriro tissues