Gross anatomy of the Vertebral Column Flashcards
How many of each Vertebrae are there
7 cervical (c1- atlas, C2 axis)
12 throaccic
5 lumbar
5 sacral (fused)
4 coccygeal

What are the primary curves of the spin
Throacic and sacrum - kyphosis
what are the secondary curves of the veretbral column
Cervical and lumbar (lordosis)

what is the pink called?

what is the red arrow
what is the blue arrow

inferiro articula processes
superiro articualr processes

where do spinal nerves exit the veretebral column?
intervertebral column

What type of Vertebra is this?

(loooks like a happy face)
lareg triangle shaped foramen
tranverse foramenm holes give rise to tranvers proccesses
which Vertebae is this?

Atlas C1
what is the function of atlas? C1
holds the skill-
superiro articular suraface (lateral mass) for occpital condyles articulate with C1
no vertebral body
very large foramen

Label atlas

facet for dens (atlas)- on antrerior arch
and superiro artiuclar sufrcae for occiptial condyle

what is the role of the dens ?
Dens- (tooth liek) articulates with the face tanteriro arch fo atlas- allows shaking

What kind of Vertebrae is this?

looks like a girraffe
heart shped vertebral body
ciruclar vertrbal forameen
Anteriror posteirroly facing superiro articular faces
Tranverse proccess with costal facet for ribs
dmei facets on vebtral body also for rib headf

what type of vertrbae is this

Looks like a moose- Lumbar vertebae
has bean shaped large vertebral body for suport of weight
small trianglual vertebral body (cauda equina)
Lateral- faceing superrio facet s(hug eachother)
what are the 4 curvatures of the adult spine
primary curves- kyphotic- thoracic and sacral
at birth all of spine is kyphotic
as we learn tos tand and wall - due to wegith bearign and gravity get secondayr curves (lordosos- lumbar and cervical spine)

Label these abnromal spine curvature

What may be cause of Excessive throacic kyphosis?
osteoporosis (traebcula rbone of vertbeal body affected)
can reuslt in signficant rduction in dynamic pulmonayr capacity
result in - humpback, loss of weight, more commmon in elderly woemn
what is associated with excssive s lumbar lordosis
charcaterised by anteiror tilting of plevis (upper sacrum is flexed)
waekenbed trunk msucualrture
bear bellies- cause obesity due to weight bearing and grvaity

how is scolisso characterised ?
abnormal lateral curvature that is acoompanied by rotation of the vertebrae

Label the intervertbeal disc?

Describe the oreination of the cervical, throacic and lumbar superiro and infeiror articular joints
Cervical- slanted
throacic- vertical
Lumbar hugging
the orientation of the joints allow/ restirct movement!

What is the role of the Antlao-occipital joint?

nodding gliding movement
what is the role of the medial antlo-axial joint
Dens and anteiror arhc of atlas
Allows for shaking (rotation of the head)

what is the name of this ligament? role?

anteirro longitudinal ligament
(extends down whole vertrbal column, stops extra exension

Label the ligaments

what is this ligament?

supraspinous ligament
what is this ligament
deep to suprapsinous

What ligament this?

Ligamentum Flavum
between the lamina of adjacent verbre bodies
to get to spinal cord this is last ligament to go through
Label these

What are th movemetns of the spine

Label this

Describe the general organisation of muscles of the back (extrinsic and intrisic)
Extrinisc- dont develop in the back ( anteriro rami of spinal nerve)- uopper limbs and throacic wall movements
intisinci back muscles- inervetd by the posteriro rami(dorsal)- support and move the vertbral colum and head-
Splenius muscles
erector spinae muscle
tranversopsinal muslces

What are the splenus muscles?
Most superifical

what is this msucle

Splenis capitis

what is this muscle?

splenisu cervicus

what is the action of the splenius muscles

which muscle are deep the splenius muscles but superificial to tranversospoinales msucles?
Erector spiane muscles
(largest muscle groups of the back)
overlapping muscles arrnaged paralle to the vertbral colum
lie between spinous proccess m edially and the angles of the rib

what 3 muscles make up the erector spine group?
3 muscles - in aparalle columns
illocostalis (lateral)
longissmus (intermediate)
spinalis (medial)
Label this

the rectus spinae muscle originate at a large fibrous tendon band that attaxches to the e scarum
Spinals (media- medial nearest spinel)
longimus ( intermediate)
illiocostslis ( lateral- cotalis= nribs)
each one has cervicis, throacis and lumborum section )

what is the action of the erector spinae muscles

what is the depeest layer of instrinsic back muscles?
semispinalis (superifical)
multifidus (middle)
rotatores (deepest)
What is this muscle labelled (1 muscle)
most superfciial of the transversopinales muscles

what is this muscle and its fucntion
middle trasnverospinales muscle
action- unilaterally rottes to contrlateral siede- stabilse verbtease during movement

What is this muscle?
(hint deepeest ofr the trasnversopinales muscles)

funciton- stbailse the vertrbal colum
attaches to the trnaverse proccess to spinosu procces - longus
attaches to the tranverse process to adjacent vertebae (brevis)
Why do pelvic and abdorminal malignancys metasse to the verbral bododies?
Plexus- venous drianage lack valves
blood flow can be in either direction- dpeending on intrabdominal pressure
prostattic metastasis is well known for spreading to the vertebra colum

at what level does the spinal cord end and become the conus medularis
at what levels does the conus medularis becoem the cauda equina
whatmakes up a spinal nerve?
cord gives off 31 pairs of spinal nerves
union of dorsal (sensory) and ventral (motor)
these mizxed spinal enrves exit the verebtral canl through the intervetbal formaina nd then outside the spinal cord divide into anteiro and psoteeiror rami

what postion is best for lumabr puncture?
where do we place the needle
Fetal potison- expands the distance ebwteen the spinous processes
want to place neededl between L4 and L5
L4 is inline with the ilaic crest

into what space are we inserting the needl in lumbar puncture?
Subarachnoid space
(between L3-L4 or L4,L5)

what layers do we go through to reach the CSF?

subcutaneous fat
spurapsinous ligament
interpsinous lgiament
ligametnum flavum
dura matter
subdural space
arachnoid matter