Kingdom: Animalia Flashcards
What are porifera?
Two layered organisms with pores.
Sessile (attaches to substrates)
eg sponges.
What are coelenterata? (Cnidaria)
Two layers of cells.
hollow digestive cavity.
tentacles with stinging cells (nematocysts)
Examples; hydra (shown) jellyfish, coral, sea anemone.
What are platyhelminthes?
Flattened dorsoventrally.
three layers of cells
many parasites.
eg. tapeworm, planaria, liver fluke.
What are nematoda?
Thread-like parasites; digestive tract with two openings: mouth, anus, e.g.. hookworm, Ascaris, trichina worm.
What are Annelida?
Long cylindrical body with segments; nervous system; closed circulatory system, e.g. earthworm, sand worm, leech.
What are Echinodermata?
Radial symmetry; spiny exoskeleton; water-vascular system with tube feet. e.g. Starfish, sea urchin, sea cucumber.
What are Mollusca?
Soft bodies, most have one or two wheels.
eg. clam, snails and octopus.
What are arthropoda?
Jointed legs
segmented bodies.
There are more arthropods on earth than all outer creatures combined.
What are Arthropoda?
Class: Crustacea?
Gills for breathing; two pairs of antennae, jointed legs with claws, e.g. Crab or lobster.
What are Arthropoda?
Class: Arachnida?
Eight legs; two body parts; no antennae. e.g. spider, scorpion, tick.
What are Arthropoda?
six legs and three body parts.
one pair of antennae
exoskeleton made of chitin.
Eg. Wasps, ants and grasshoppers.
What are Arthropoda?
Class: Chilopoda?
one pair of legs per segment.
Example: centipede
What are Arthropoda?
Class: Diplopoda?
Two pairs of legs per segment, e.g.. millipede.
What are Chordata?
Class: Pisces?
Bony skeleton; gills; scales; two-chambered heart, e.g. eel, seahorse, trout.
What are Chordata?
Class: Amphibia?
live in water when young with gills. Develop lungs and live on land when older. thin moist skin Three chambered heart. eg. Frogs, toads and salamanders.
What are Chordata?
Class: Reptilia?
Lungs; dry scales; eggs with a horny covering; cold blooded; mostly three -chambered hearts.
eg. Snakes, lizards and turtles.
What are Chordata?
Class: Aves?
Feathers; four-chambered heart; wings; warm-blooded; eggs with shells.
Eg. Hawk, duck.
What are Chordata?
Class: Mammalia?
Warm-blooded; hair/fur; breathe with diaphragm, young fed on milk from mammary glands.
EG. human, dog, bat, whale.
What is a nematocyst?
In cnidarians, specialised stinging cells that can release a poison-containing barbs.
What is Chitin?
The hard organic material that composes the exoskeleton of arthropods and some other invertebrates.
What is a Crop?
A food-storing organ in an earthworm. Swallowed soil is collected here until it passes to the gizzard to be ground up. (also in birds and insects).
What is the Mandible, Maxillae?
Chewing mouth parts o the grasshopper (and similar insects) that move and breakdown food.
What is the fore-gut, mid-gut and hind-gut?
The three basic parts of the digestive tract of a grasshopper and similar insects.
What is the gizzard?
A muscular organ present in earthworms, birds and reptiles. It grinds food.
What are spiracles? Tracheae?
Present in the grasshopper and smiler insects. Spiracles are small openings on the side of the abdomen that lead to branched air tubes called tracheae.
What are gills?
Respiratory organs in fish and some other water-dwelling creatures; contain rich capillary beds over which water flows.
What are nephridia?
Tubular excretory organs in the earthworm and other invertebrates.
What is the Malpighian Tubule?
The excretory organs in grasshoppers and other insects.
What are cloaca?
The common exit passageway fro the digestive, urinary and reproductive systems in the frog and some other animals.
What is a coelom?
A body cavity formed between layers of mesoderm; digestive and other organs are suspended here; not found in primitive organisms.
What is radial symmetry?
Body arrangement where parts repeat around an imaginary line drawn through the centre of an organisms body. Characteristic of primitive animals.
eg. sea anemone, jellyfish, hydra.
What is bilateral symmetry?
Body arrangement where the right and left halves are virtually mirror images of each; other evolutionarily more advanced than radially symmetrical organisms.
Eg. humans most animals.
What is an exoskeleton?
Rigid outer skeleton; characteristic of arthropods.
What are pheromones?
Chemical substances released by organisms to influence other organisms of the species; used by insects and other animals.
egs. sex attractant, trail markers and alarm signals.
What is moulting?
The shedding of all or part of an organisms skin or exoskeleton; arthropods moot in order to allow growth.
what is Radula?
A rasping, tounge-like organ found in most mollusks; it is covered with rows of teeth and is used to scraping food of substrates.
What are Setae?
Chitinous bristles found on annelid segments; used for a choring the worm while moving or resting in a burrow.