kidney disease Flashcards
whats the most impotant function of the kidney?
its regulatory function
regulate the electrolyte execrete the wasteregulate PH regulate the blood pressure regulate the blood volum so the regultory function of the kidney is more important
whatre the features of the kidney ?
bean shape as the size of the fist
its long about 10-11 cm
its between 11-12 rib and its cover by renal capsule
lt kidny is little bit elevated than other
whatre the coverings of the kidney?
its cover by
1- renal capsule which is fiberous tissue
2- renal fat called peri-renal-fat
3- and cover by facia called renal facia which is no very strong can go up and down attach the kidney ito peritunium
whats the importance of renal facia ?
its for the protection of the kidney from any infection
what the differance of the blood supply between the kidny and the other organ ?
each part of kidney is supply by single artery and if any damag eto this artery lead to damage of the part
unlike the liver because it has anstomsis so damage to ne blood vessels lead to no damage
embryology of the kidney ?
it come from two layers the endoderm and extoderm
main part is
-nephon from mesenchyme
-Duct from bud
so if the nephron and the duct no fuse together it will lead for cycyic disese
and if both kidneys accend and fuse at the lower pole htis may lead to horse shoe kidney
what dose renal dysplasia means ?
menas that there is kidney nut there is renal malformation
the kidny will have cyst ( filled sac fluid ) instead of noraml kidney tissue
what dose the renal hypoplasia means ?
the defect will be in the nephrone the number will be small
what the renal aplasia
one or both kidney fail to develop
horse-shoe kidney
mean fusion of the lower pole of the kidney
whats the complication of horse shoe kidney ?
1- willim tumer x4 times
2- obstructive uropathy realated if there is any obstruction or calculi and any infection
dose pt know from the bigong that he have hores shoe kidney ?
no because the normal kidney funation but he will have some comlications as willim tumer andn obstructiv europathy fro any calculi and inflammation
whose pt with genetic disease will be susptble for the hourse shoe kidney ?
pt with turner syndrom will have horse shoe kidney about 7%
how pt woth congenital kidney disease present woth ?
they present with abdominal mass and heamturia
infection and hypertension and uraemia
whats the differance between the hydronephrosis and the pylonephrosis?
hydronephrosis means aspetic dilation
while pylonephrosis means septic dilation of the pelvic calcyal system
whate the hydronephrosis?
means aseptic dilation of the pelvic calcylal system cause by any obstruction and reflex
most common cause is the reflex
whats the causes of the hydronephrosisi?
its from the ------------ obstruction -------------- 1- stone 2- tumer 3- tumer from outside or fibrosis 4 -inflammmtory stricture 5- infection by TB and belharizia
Reflex or uterocele
whats the features of the hydronephrosis ?
its usually asyptomatic but هنا نذكر اعراض الالتهاب abccess pain dull or cloic sweling
may lead to reanl faliure
wats the end satge of hydronephrosis ?
its chornic renal faliure in 9%
whats thre best method to evaluate the hydronephrosis ?
voiding cysto-urethro-gram
what the grading of the hydronephrosis?
1 — ureter
2—– ureter , pelvic , calyce sisnt dilated
3—— either dilation of the tortus of the ureter or the pelvic
4—- dialated calyces but the shape is maintained
5—– dilated collecting system
نبدأ من الثالث اما اليوت او البلفك
الرابع الماليسس
الخامس كل كوليكتنغ سستم
how to manage hydronephrosis?
cathter drain pelvicplasty urethrotomy prostatoectomy re implantation
كاثتر بلفك يورثرا بروستات وزرع من جديد
kidney infection most commo cause
is the accending infection from the lower urinary tract infection
as E coli and proteus
or from the blood
its affect the elderly and childern and maily the female
what the differanc between the acute and choronic infection ?
choronic cause presistant damage to the kidney lead to fibrosis
whats the clincal featue of the kidney infection
مثل الانفلاونزا
and uremia
whtats the bignin tumers of the kidney ?
angio -myo_lipoma
malignet tumer of the kidenys ?
willim tumer ( pt with horse shoe kidney 7%) -------wilim----" nephroblastom " in pt lower than 5 and the lower pole and unilateral TRT : chemotherpy and surgery
hypernephrona —-
in the adult and inthe uppe rpole
TRT: amionotherpy
hypernephroma means ?
is adenocarcinmoma in elderly men in the upper pole
pt present with
fever , polycythemia , heamaturia
— rapid forming “varico -cele “
may be asyptomatic
which one is more common willim or hypernehroblastoma ?