kidney development Flashcards
embryological origin of kidneys
intermediate mesoderm
what else other than kidneys is made from intermediate mesoderm
mullerian ducts
wolffian ducts
urinary system
mesonephric duct is called
paramesonephric is called
in the female, the mesonephric duct….
almost completely degrades, just the lower part becomes the ureteric bud
in the female, the mullerian ducts become…
in the male, the mesonephric duct….
forms the ureteric bud and the male reproductive system
in the male, the paramesonephric duct…
the ureteric bud is developed from… and forms…
mesonephric ducts
collecting system - collecting tubules, ureter, major and minor calyces
how many embryological kidneys are there and what is the important one
metanephric (not mesonephric)
ureteriic bud comes into contact with what to form kidney
mesenchyme (from mesoderm)
how many collecting tubules in the kidney
1-3 million
what does the first bifurcation of the ureteric bud form
major calyces
kidney blastema (metanephric bud) becomes
excretory part of kidney - glomerulus, bowman’s capsule, pct, loop of henle, dct
where does embryological kidney move from and to