Kidney Flashcards
benign mimics of malignancy
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
metanephric adenoma
malignant mimics of benign
sarcomatoid carcinoma with granulomatous inflammation
multicystic kidneys
cystic renal dysplasia
PKD infantile
PKD adult
medullary sponge kidney
medullary cystic kidney disease
acquired renal cystic disease
cystic lesions
simple cyst (no clear cells)
cystic nephroma/MEST (ovarian type stroma, no clear cells)
multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential (new name) (circumscribed, clear cells in septa)
RCC with cystic degeneration (expansile nodules of clear cells)
cystic lesions in kids
cystic nephroma/MEST (mature epithelium and stroma)
cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma (immature stroma)
Wilms’ tumour with cystic areas
clear cell/papillary tumours
clear cell RCC (CD10+)
papillary RCC (CK7 diffuse)
Xp11 translocation RCC (CK7+, CD10+, TFE3+)
oncocytic lesions
oncocytoma (CD117+/-, CK7 focal)
chromophobe ca (CD117+, cytoplasmic CK7)
AML (HMB45+)
clear cell RCC (CD117-, CD10+)
undifferentiated epithelioid lesions
adrenal cortical ca
epithelioid/spindled tumours around vessels
juxtaglomerular cell tumour (SMA+, CD31+)
glomus tumour
tubulopapillary lesions
metanephric adenoma
papillary RCC
spindle cell lesions
sarcomatoid ca
urothelial ca
high grade tumours
papillary RCC
collecting duct ca
urothelial ca
metastatic ca

Collecting duct carcinoma (jagged branching lumens, abundant stroma)
paediatric renal tumours
Wilms’ tumour
clear cell sarcoma
rhabdoid tumour (INI1/SMARCB1-)
mesoblastic nephroma (spindle cells with benign entrapped tubules/glomeruli)
renal cortical tumours
clear cell RCC: vim+ cd10 diffuse +
papillary RCC: vim+ ck7 diffuse +
chromophobe RCC: vim- cd117+
oncocytoma: vim- cd117+/-
chromophobe RCC vs oncocytoma
C-RCC: prominent cell borders, wrinkled nuclei, perinuc haloes, binucleation
onc: no necrosis, no halo, nested, nucleoli more common, central scar in 30%
clear cell lesions
clear cell RCC
papillary RCC with clear cells
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis

metanephric adenoma:
may present with polycythaemia
uniform acini +/- papillae
psammoma bodies, degeneration/haemorrhage
‘adenofibroma’ has spindle cell stroma

Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (low grade and spindled)