Keywords Flashcards
total output of water from the drainage basin directly back into atmosphere
groundwater flow
slow movement of water through underlying rocks
downward movement of water from surface into soil
overland flow
tendency of water to flow horizontally across land surfaces when rainfall has exceeded infiltration capacity
interception storage
precipitation that falls in the vegetation surfaces or human made covers and is temporarily stored in theses surfaces
onward movement of water within the rock under the soil surface
run - off
all the water that enters a river channel and eventually flows out of the drainage basin
applies to any water store that has reached its maximum capacity
stem flow
proportion of precipitation intercepted by the canopy that reaches the ground by flowing down stems
through fall
proportion o precipitation that reaches the found directly through the gaps in vegetation canopy
through flow
movement of water down slope through the subsoil under the influence of gravity
loss of water from vegetation through pores on their surfaces
water balance
balance between inputs and outputs in a drainage basin
maximum discharge that a river channel is capable of carrying without flooding
base flows
represents the normal day-day discharge of the river and is the consequence of slow moving soil through flow and groundwater
amount of water in a river flowing past a particular point expressed
lag time
time between peak rainfall and peak discharge
peak discharge
point on a flood hydrography when river discharge is at its greatest
process by which liquid changes to a gas
drainage basin
area of land drained by a river and its tributaries
process by which water vapour changes to liquid water
storm flow
discharge resulting from precipitation involving both overland flow, though flow and groundwater flow
storm hydrograph
a graph showing discharge of a river over a time period t o show how normal flow is affected by storm event
anthropogenic CO2
co2 generated by human acitivities
carbon sequestration
capture of CO2 from the atmosphere or human CO2 from power plants before its released and put into long term storage
carbon sink
store of carbon that absorbs more carbon that it releases
greenhouse gases
any gas that is capable of absorbing infrared radiation, trapping and holding eat in the atmosphere
breakdown of rocks by a combination of weatyer, plants and animals
enhanced greenhouse effect
impact of climate from additional heat retained due to increased amounts of CO2
geo - sequestration
technology capturing greenhouse gas emissions from power stations and pumping into underground reservoirs
radiative forcing
difference between incoming solar energy absorbed by earth and energy radiated back to pace
soil organic carbon
organic constituents in the soil from dead pants and animals