Key words: Britain Flashcards
Branches of Government
Judicial: courts and supreme courts
Legislative: house of commons and the house of lords
Executive: government as a whole, the people at the top and the Queen
Less government spending
Out of time/old fashioned
‘Stop - go’ Economics
.Imports exceed exports + balance of payment crisis .Government controls: high interest and wage freezes .Demand falls .Output decreases .Controls removed .Increase in demand .Rising imports Loop
Variations in money supply influence the national output in the short term and price levels in the long run
The ‘Establishment’
The informal networks that connected the elites: privileged people who had influence, e.g. aristocracy, politicians, civil servants. Often went to the same private schools
When white men would go out in the 50s and attack black people
Schuman Plan
- Set out the proposals for a coal and steel community that’d integrate French and German heavy industry to promote unity and rapid economic reconstructions
- Arranged supranational institutions for the big 6’s ( France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg) coal and steel industries
An international conference was held here in 1955 with the EEC (European Economic Community) and the big 6
Treaty of Rome
Signed in 1957. This set up the EEC, the results of talks at the Messina conference
European Free Trade Association
Created in 1960 by Britain along with Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland (the 7 countries not involved in the EEC) as an alternative to the EEC
‘Special Relationship’
Relationship between Britain and USA
Became close allies during the Cold War
‘Closed Shop’
A place where you can’t work unless you’re part of the union
Shop Steward
Represents the workers. Union representative
Restrictive Practice
Only doing a job if it’s yours to do specifically
Workers stop working to protest against conditions/poor pay
General Strike
A widespread strike over a big area, lots of unions striking together
People holding signs to enforce strike, prevent entry to work
Voting paper
Working to Rule
Your job description
Black leg/Scab
A worker who refuses to strike
Process to becoming a law
Green paper - white paper - bill - law
Balance of Payment
How much money is coming in or leaving the country
Run on the Pound
When currency traders sell their pounds, the pound plummets. The traders then rebuy it
Balance of Trade
The diff between goods being imported and goods exported
‘Pirate station’
- Radio station overseas, listened to in Britain
The Concorde
Supersonic aircraft developed by Anglo-French partnership
‘Permissive Society’
A time of sexual liberation with changes in morals and new openness
Northern Ireland. Protestant area, particularly against Home (Pope) Rule
Ulster-Unionist Party was in power (Protestant)
A member of the Northern Ireland political Party in favour of the union of Northern Ireland with Great Britain
A supporter of the union between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Extreme Unionist
Someone who wants political independence for Northern Ireland
Someone who wants Northern Ireland to join the Republic of Ireland. Extreme Nationalist
The arrest and detention without trial of people suspected of being members of illegal paramilitary groups
Butler and Gaitskell were on opposite sides. Both sides following consensus politics
A stagnant economy (high unemployment) and high inflation
Trade Union Congress
All trade unions were part of this
National Industrial Relations Court
Set up to limit strikes