Key Terms - Incarnation Flashcards
Made flesh.
When the Angel Gabriel comes down from Heaven to tell Mary that she is pregnant with Jesus.
A symbol of a fish, that translates as ‘Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour’.
Alpha and Omega
Symbol made from the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet, which are used to show that God and Jesus are eternal - the beginning and end of all things.
Symbol representing Jesus, made up of 2 letters of his name in Greek.
Son of Man
Title that could refer to either just a human being, or a human who is given power by God.
God’s free gift of his unconditional love to the believer.
Sacred Heart
A representation of Jesus that focuses on his burning love for everybody.
Representation of Jesus on the cross on which he died.
Sermon on the Mount
Jesus’ teachings found in Matthew 5-7, which give Christians a set of rules and values to apply in their lives.
The Beatitudes
In Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is new lawgiver, building upon the law Moses give in the Old Testament. Jesus open the Sermon with a call to people to change their attitudes.
Beatitude Quotes
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
Blessed are the pure in the heart, for they will see God
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
St Irenaeus Quotes about Jesus’ teachings
‘He revealed God to men and presented men to God.’
‘Life in man is the glory of God; the life of man is the vision of God’.
St Irenaeus teachings
- Jesus was with God from the beginning.
- Jesus - word of God - was the one who spoke through the Old Testament prophets and who inspired people through visions and dreams.
- Through Jesus (the word), it is that humans receive God’s free gift: his grace.
Dei Verbum 4
- ‘The word made flesh, was sent as ‘a man to men’.
- ‘God is with us to free us from the darkness of sin and death, and to raise us up to life eternal’.
Verbum Domini 12
- ‘The son himself is the word, the Logos: the eternal word because small - small enough to fit into a manger.
- ‘The new Adam, the true man, who unfailingly does not his own will but that of the Father’.
Rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift or grace; for Catholics, Anglicans and many Protestants, sacraments are ‘outward signs’ of ‘inward grace’.
Divine Life
Shared love of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit
Action - the pouring of water.
Symbol - Cleansing of sins.
Words - “I baptise you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.
Action - The anointing of the forehead with chrism.
Symbol - Receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Words - “Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit”.
Action - The receiving of the consecrated bread and wine, the body and blood of Christ.
Symbol - Receiving the fullness of Christ.
Words - “This is my blood. This is my body.”
Action - The consent
Symbol - Each partner accepting the other person as husband/wife for life.
Words - “Will you (x), take (y) here present as your lawful wedded husband/wife according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Church?”
“I Will.”
Action - Laying on of hands and the anointing of the hands of chrism.
Symbol - Conferring the dignity of the Priesthood.
Words - “Almighty father, grant to this servant of yours the dignity of Priesthood.”
Action - The laying on of hands.
Symbol - The passing on of God’s power of forgiveness.
Words - “I absolve you from your sins in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirti.”
Sacrament of the Sick
Action - The anointing of the head and hands (the senses) with the oil for the sick.
Symbol - Strengthening and forgiveness.
Imago Dei
‘The image of god.’ Latin - used to show that God made humans in his image and likeness.
Removal of a foetus from the womb to end a pregnancy, usually before the foetus is 24-weeks-old.
Son of God
Sanhedrin - “Are you the Messiah, the son of the Blessed one?”
Jesus - “I am.” - a translation of words that God revealed himself to Moses.
Word became flesh
Verse 14 - ‘The word became flesh and lived among us’.
The word, the self expression of God, took on human nature, coming down to Earth to live as a full human being.
The word was God
The Word of God is inside God and is God’s self expression. That is why it is true to say that ‘the Word was God’.
Jesus at birth
For the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.
Writers of the gospels.
Jewish council that looked after all aspects of Jewish life and religion at the time of Jesus.
Reasons against religious art
- God is infinite, not possible to show this through limited art.
- 2nd commandment ‘You shall not make yourself an idol’ -
- When people pray in front of statues of God, it falsely means that your worshipping false idols.
- Statues and art gives the wrong image of God mistaking him for a man with a beard.
Influence of incarnation on art
- Jesus was human, so he can be shown in human form.
- God took on limitations of human nature and therefore can be represented in this way.
- We don’t know what Jesus looked like, he had many qualities so if the artwork depicts these qualities it is acceptable.
- Jesus gave up his life for us, he was Jewish, gave his life up for anyone so he can be seen as ethnicity.
- Artistic representation can show spiritual ideas and aspects of Gods work.