Key Terms - Creation Flashcards
The one who makes things and brings things about.
The act by which God brought the universe into being.
A famous Italian painter and sculptor.
The first book of the Bible, in which the stories of Creation are found
Creation of Adam
Part of the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome, showing God giving life to Adam.
How does Creation of Adam reflect Catholic belief and teachings?
- Adam shown as a perfect man, full of strength and potential showing God made everything ‘very good’ (Genesis 1:31).
- Adam outstretched arm and bent fingers almost touching God shows that God still needs to strengthen him to become a full man, also means passing of life; building up love knowledge and appreciation of each other.
- Shows Adam depends on God for his life.
- Adam and God lying in similar positions showing that humanity is made in the image of God.
- God carried by angels (transcendence), Adam firmly on the ground - conveying the greatness of God.
Controversial aspects of the Creation of Adam
- Genesis 2 states that Adam is made from dust and God breathes through his nose to bring him to life - no contact with God.
- God and Adam are shown as the same size showing that man and God are equal - not reflecting Catholic beliefs.
God as transcendent
Idea that God is beyond and outside life on earth and the universe; a quality of God.
God as omnipotent
Almighty, having unlimited power, a quality of God.
Hebrew word for humanity, which many people think was the first name of the first man.
Free Will
Belief that God gives people the opportunity to make decisions for themselves.
Idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment on the behalf of God.
Being worthy of honour and respect.
Sanctity of Life
All life is holy as it is created and loved by God: human life should not be misused or abused.
The sacred book of Christianity, contains the Old and New Testaments.
Holy people of God, also called the body of christ, among whom Christ is present and active.
Building in which Christians worship.
One who is sent out - the name given to those disciples who became leaders of the early church.
Law (Torah)
First 5 books showing how the Jews became people of God. How God’s guidance shows how he wanted Jews to live. Guidance includes the 10 commandments.
History Books
Show how God guided his people and how the people often refused to listen, these stories were included to help later generations avoid the same mistakes.
Wisdom Books
Prayers, psalms, books of advice and poems, which show people how to use God given talents to do what is right in order to be able to stay close to God.
Containing the words of inspired figures who were sent by God to teach people about how God is active in the World, and to challenge people to stay faithful to God.
Gospels (Luke, Matthew, Mark and John)
Record the actions and teachings of Jesus.
Acts of the Apostles
Tell some of the events in the early church up to about 60CE
Show Christians how to live by Jesus’ teachings and what it means to become a Christian
Book of Revelation
Apocalyptic book written by John, featuring his own mystical visions, which some Christians believe describe the end of the world.
Holy Spirit
Third person of the Trinity whom Christians believe is the inspiring presence of God in the world.
Guidance that God gives to people
Teaching authority of the Catholic Church, exercised by the Pope and Bishops.
A story that intends to convey a deep truth or message, but not in a literal way.
Sacred Scripture
Holy writings of a religion that are believed to be inspired by God.
Believer who thinks the Bible is a factual record that describes events exactly as they happened; believe that the bible is divinely inspired and without error.
Natural Law
Moral principles and values that are considered to be inherent to all humans.
Second Vatican Council
Series of important gatherings of all the Catholic bishops between 1962-1965, which updated many Catholic teachings.
Natural world; surroundings in which someone lives.
Natural resources
Materials found in nature - such as oil and trees - that can be used by people to make more complex products.
People who tell others how they should live but who do nit live by these standards themselves.
Relying or depending on each other, as a change to other things as well.
Only using natural resources at a rate which they can be replaced.
Cafod’s Sustainability Project/Goals
No Poverty, zero hunger, good health and well being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace justice and strong institutions, partnership for goals.