KEY TERMS - global connections Flashcards
What is an asylum seeker
an individual who is seeking international protection / refugee status. Their claim may not have been finally decided on by the country they have submitted it to.
What is a border
borders are geographic boundaries of political entities marking the territory of the state
What is an economic migrant
is someone who leaves his or her country or origin purely for financial and/or economic reasons - they move for a better life not because of persecution
What is an emigrant
a person who moves out of a country
What is global north
the more economically developed societies of Europe, North America, Australia, Isreal and South Africa
What is global south
The less socio-economically developed regions in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East
What is human trafficking
the practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for labour or sexual exploitation
What is people smuggling
the practice of illegally transporting people from one country to another
What is an immigrant
people moving into a country - involves permanent change
What are inequalities
the state of not being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities
What is injustices
What is interdependence
mutual reliance between states
what is international migration
movement of people across an international border for the purpose of settlement
what is inter-regional migration
the movement of people from one region to another
what is intra-regional migration
the movement of people within a region
what is irregular migration
movement of people that takes place outside of the regulatory norms of the sending, transit and receiving countries
What is long-term migration
The movement of people from one country to another for a period of at least a year so the host country becomes the new country of residence
What is short-term migration
the movement of people from one country to another for a period between 3 months but less than a year
what is a migrant
a person who moves from one place to another
What are migrant remittances
money earned by non-nationals that are transferred back to their country of origin
What is a migrants person corridor
a strip of land or water with frequent migration
What is net migration
the difference between the number of people moving into and out of an area
What are push/pull factors
the positive and negative characteristics of an area that attract or repel migrants
What is regular migration
movement of people that takes place within regulatory
What is a source country
the country that is a source of migratory flows (regular or irregular). This is where a migrant travels from
What is a destination/host country
the country that migrants travel to
What is a policy
a set of ideas or plans that are used as a basis for making decisions, especially in politics, economics or business
What is sovereignty
is a legitimate and ultimate authority of a state over an area and its people