Key Terms Flashcards
cut in the perineum during childbirth
parts of sperm (4)
- acrosome
- head
- midpiece
- tail
enzyme secreted by sperm allowing it to penetrate egg
fertilized egg
human chorionic gonadotropin (hormone secreted by placenta)
watery fluid surrounding egg
amniotic fluid
dead fetus after 28 weeks of gestation
fluid retention and swelling
substance secreted from breast during first few days after delivery
contractions NOT part of labour
Braxton-Hicks contractions
substance that produces defects in fetus
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (umbrella)
fetal alcohol syndrome
test to determine whether fetus has birth defects by inserting tube into abdomen and obtaining fluid sample
technique for prenatal diagnosis of birth defects involving taking a sample of cells from chorionic villus and analyzing them
chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
thinning of cervix during labour
opening of cervix during labour
most difficult part of labour in first stage that lasts until cervix dilates to 8 cm
method of delivering baby surgically
caesarean section (c-section)
method of “prepared childbirth” involving relaxation and breathing techniques
lamaze method
pregnancy where fertilized egg implants somewhere other than uterus
ectopic pregnancy
false pregnancy, in which woman displays signs of pregnancy but is not actually pregnant
serious disease of pregnancy marking by high BP, severe edema, and proteinuria
procedure in which sperms are place inside vagina manually
assisted insemination
embryo is transferred from uterus of one woman into another
embryo transfer
egg is fertalized by sperm in lab dish
in vitro fertilization (IVF)
procedure in which sperm and eggs are collected and inserted together into fallopian tube followed by natural impantation
GIFT – gamete intrafallopian transfer
product of conception
thin, gelatinous layer surrounding egg
zona pellucida
when is it an embryo
weeks 2-8 (then fetus forever)
tiny finger-like projections in placenta
two membranes surrounding fetus
chorion and amnion
fetus does not turn into head-down position
breech presentation
extreme vomiting and nausea requiring medical attention
hyperemesis gravidarum
head moves into pelvis
engagement, lightening, dropping
whole process of childbirth
regional anaesthetic providing pain relief in first stage of labour
spinal block
numbs body from waist down injected inspinal cord
epidural block
injection in vaginal wall relieving pain in lower vagina and perinuem up to 1 hour
pudendal block
woman agrees to carry a baby to term for someone else
berscheid and walster’s theory that two conditions must exist simultaneously for passionate love to occur: physiological arousal and attaching a label (love) to the feeling
two-component theory of love
telling your partner what you are feeling by stating your thought clearly, simply, and honestly
tendency to like people whose paths cross more often with our own
propinquity effect
exposure to any stimulus over a repeated period of time that leads to greater liking for the stimulus
mere-exposure effect
when person marries someone they share important characteristics
tendency to choose partners whose level of attractiveness and social worth matches their own
matching phenomenon
mindset that people are less satisfied with those they see online
rejection mindset
theory we tend to like people who give us reinforcements or rewards and dislike people who punish us
reinforcement theory
those who experience all three components in their relationship (according to sternberg)
consummate love
when some people with insecure attachment to family have secure attachment to partner
earned-secure attachment
when arousal due to something such as exercise is mistaken for love
misattribution of arousal
telling personal sexual things about yourself
sexual self-disclosure
when impact matches intent
effective communicator
national resource for up-to-date info, research, and publications on human sexuality
Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN)
belief that heteronormativity is the norm
two people who are friends and have sex
friends with benefits
someone you have sex with but is not a fried
fuck buddy
urgent request for sexual activity with someone who is not your relationship partner
booty call
children who are adamant about their gender-atypical behaviour
gender dysphoria, or gender identity disorder (GID)
belief that heterosexuality is the only legitimate healthy acceptable way to be
another word for cheating
extra-relationship or extra-marital (if married)
forming or attempting to form a sexual or romantic relationship with someone known to be in an exclusive relationship
mate poaching
relationship initiated by online contact
time before menopause and the first year after the last menstrual period
surgical removal of the uterus
surgical removal of ovaries
surgical removal of prostate
cohabitation is associated with poorer marital quality and satisfaction
cohabitation effect
gradual decline in testosterone and sperm
male menopause, andropause