Childhood & Adolescence Flashcards
Can you use pregnancy tests to detect testicular cancer?
- Pregnancy tests test for levels of HGc
- Many types of testicular tumours produce this same hormone
- Answer: potentially!
- Not a reliable indicator, but possible
Parental socialization components (3)
- Expectations
- Reactions
- Communication
cultural influences on immigrants
- Degree of acculturation
- Peer behaviour
- Impact of Western values
- Can cause conflict between parents and children
Self-stimulation in infants
Between 6-12 months, infants will discover genitals -> realize pleasurable response
Once coordination improves (15-19m), this is increased
become more social (less self-centred)
Age 4-5
start to label themselves with a gender
- Don’t relate gender differences to sex (girls = vaginas, boys = penis)
- “Everyone has a penis but I’m a guy because I play with trucks”
more interested in sexuality
- Interested in seeing people nude
- Stare at people in changing room
- Very affectionate towards parents
- May say they want to marry parent
- 80% knew some term for genitals at this age
form concept of marriage
age 5
relate gender to physical traits
first learn about sexual behaviour
Freud believed this experience could inhibit the child’s subsequent psychosexual development
Maturation of adrenal glands -> increased androgens
Mixed-sex sexual play
During childhood = little mixed-sex sexual behaviour
- Gender segregation
Most activity = age 11-12
Same-sex sex play
- Normal for development because of segregation
- Playing doctor, show and tell, etc.
- Not an indicator of sexual orientation
Sexualization of Children
- A person’s value comes from sexual appeal or behaviour
- A person is held to a standard in which physical attraction = being sexy
- A person is sexually objectified
- Sexuality is inappropriately imposed on another person
When an adolescent girl chooses to wear an outfit they think is sexy or undergo cosmetic surgery
APA suggestions to counteract self-sexualization:
- Media literacy programs
- Broader range of athletic activities
- Major protective factor for women
- Comprehensive sex education
Biological factors during adolescence
Increase in testosterone
- brain development
- pubertal
masturbation age
13-15 (Kinsey data—current data suggests masturbation now begins 1-2 years earlier)
Asians = less likely to masturbate
Being in a satisfying sexual relationship did not affect how likely they were to masturbate
Gender intensification
further development and elaboration of the assigned gender in childhood
Experiences that intensify youths’ concerns about gender:
- Pubertal development
- Intensified cultural and peer pressure to conform to cis gender-role norms
- Increased time spent in gendered social contexts
Predictors of satisfaction at first intercourse:
Intentional (not spontaneous)
- Planning = more satisfaction
People less committed to gender roles
- Less committed to acting out stereotypical gender roles
More positive body image
Too Early Sex
15 or younger
Criminal Code of Canada
Nude photos under 18 = child pornography
Intimate photo exception
If it was consensual, taken by one of 2 people involved, kept private = NOT considered illegal
- 2014 = illegal to knowingly circulate images of another person without consent
Moral panic:
extreme social response to belief that the moral condition of society is deteriorating at a rapid pace
- Lead to new regulations and laws, often duplicating or fine-tuning ones that already exist
biological causes of risky behaviour
the amygdala (emotion) and ventral striatum (seeking feel-good rewards) develop earlier than impulse control (prefrontal)
Why don’t adolescents perceive themselves to be at-risk for STI:
- minimize seriousness
- choosing partners like themselves = wont be infected
- sexual script of trusting affectionate relationship means =/= infected
Circle jerk , limp biscuit
group masturbation
Timeline of sexual development
Age 10 – first ”crush” or attraction
- Corresponds with adrenal gland starts releasing hormones
- Evidence this is tied to increase in testosterone
Age 12-14 – first kiss
Age 15-16 – genital fondling
- Touching someone else or someone touching them
Age 16-19 – first intercourse
- 68% have had sex by age 19
- penis in vagina sex → heteronormative, limiting
age - infancy and preschool
0-4 years
(5-11 years)
(12-18 years)
ideas about losing virginity
- Gift
- Stigma
- Shameful to be a virgin
- Process
- Seeing virginity loss as a step to growing up
Meanings of virginity to youth:
- gift to committed partner
- stigma to be rid of (least common—mostly men)
- state one will inevitably transition out of (most common)
6 Dominant Themes in high quality relationships
- Fidelity and respect
- Sensuality
- Connecting through time spent together and joint activity
- Passion, magic, pleasure
- Shared future plans
- Creating tangible memories