KEY SKILLS WEEK 2 Flashcards
what is research?
- a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover information or reach a understanding
- gathering and analysing data in order to answer pre-defined questions
why is research important?
- it gives a reliable and systematic way to consider our questions
- helps us to draw logical conclusions which can support or disapproves theories
- builds on existing findings to improve understanding and knowledge of topics
- improve practice in applied areas of psychology
IS psychology a science?
- yes , psychology is mainly concerned with investigation the origins and the causes of human behaviour
- a comparative science that explains the difference between opinion and proof through observations and a process of very specific steps
what is epistemology?
the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its method, validity, and scope and the distinction between justified belief and opinion
what is tenacity?
believing something by stubbornness of mind, rather than on the basis of evidence
what is authority?
accepting something is true just because someone say it is
what is PURE REASON?
- there the truth is reached by reason and logic e.g social contracts, laws that do not stem from empirical evidence
what is scientific method?
knowledge that is acquired through structured observations and conclusions based on evidence NOT tenacity, authority or pure reason
what are the goals of scientific method?
- Describe : learn what behaviour entails
- Explain: identify the causes that determine behaviour
- Predict: identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for determining when behaviour will occur
- Control : learn to manipulate the factors needed to produce or eliminate a behaviour
what are the advantages of the scientific method?
- EMPIRICAL VERIFICATION- numerical data can be interpreted to help answer research questions
- HYPOTHESIS CAN BE FALSIFIED AND MODIFIED- as hypotheses cannot be proven
- ASSESSMENT OF VALIDITY- check whether you are observing what you think are observing
- ASSESSMENT OF RELIABILITY- assess the accuracy and precision of your judgements
what are the steps of the scientific method?
- make an observation
- develop a theory
- form a hypothesis
- test hypothesis
- refine theory
- disseminate findings - modify ,do again,replicate
Define what a fact is ?
a statement about a direct observation of nature that is so consistently repeated that virtually exists as truth
Define what a theory is?
A collection of statements that together attempt to explain a set of related phenomena
Define what a hypotheses is?
A possible explanation for an observed phenomenon that is a possible cause for a specific effect. Also can be a falsifiable statement
what criteria must hypothesis follow?
- testable: can it be measured?
- Falsifiable: can it potentially be disproven
- Precisely stated: terms clearly defined
- rational- hypothesis consistent with known information
- Parsimonious: is the explanation the simplest possible
- Occam’s razor: states that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated assumptions may ultimately be proven correct, but in the absence of certainty, the fewer assumptions that are made, the better.
what is quantative data ?
- emphasises on behaviour
- numerical
- measurement
what are advantages for quantitative data?
widely used
what is qualitative data?
-emphasis on meaning
-text based data
what are the advantages of Qualitative data?
- unique perspective
- few constraints
- in depth
- subjective experience
- no hypothesis