what are the key themes for biological approaches?
- focuses on brain,neurotransmitters, genes
- behaviour analysed in underlying structure and function (structuralist)
- relationship between enviro and organism ( functionalist)
what is Rene Descartes view on this?
- mind/body dualism
- body is machine
- soul/mind is separate from the body
- mind and body interact through pineal gland
- intro the concept of automatic stimulus-response actions i.e. reflex actions
what was the brainless reflex?
Robert whytt - studied reflex actions
- showed decapitated frogs show reflexes therefore brain is not required
distinguished between voluntary and involuntary actions
briefly state the bell-magendie law?
- basic arrangement of the nervous system
- nerve function is based on electrical activity
connections between nerves from the mechanisms of simple reflexes
briefly state of the law of specific energies?
- the sensation experienced following stimulation of a sensory nerve doe snot depend on the mode of stimulation but upon the nature of the sense- organ
who was Helmholtz?
- leading authority on sensory systems in the 19th century
- contributions leaded ; measuring the speed of neural impulses
- vision
where did reflexes lead to?
conditioning - behaviourism - learning theory
where did nerve conduction lead to?
reaction time - cognitive psychology
where did the senses lead to?
- physiological psychology - perception
WHO WAS Wadeyer Hartz?
- proposed that the nervous system is made of individual and discrete cells
- neurone ;describe individual c cells
= Neurone Doctrine
how do we know brain are made up of cells?
- A man names Golgi who developed a stain for brain tissue
- he produced the first cllear pictured of neurons supporting the Neurone Doctrine which proposed the ‘NERVE NETWORK THEORY’- the brain works that these nerves are designed in such a way to communication- function by structure
- Golgi had the idea that nerves were connected a big nerve network
why and who rejected Golgi’s nerve network theory?
- Cajal rejected Golgis nerve network theory
- he claimed that there is a gap between neurons as they don’t touch so they cannot be a network
- yet both shared the prize for medicine 1906 for contradictory thoughts
what was the discovery of the synapse?
- cajal was right
- as deomstrated by Sherrington - who worked on relex actions in ‘spinal Dogs’ thta found evidence that contradicted the ‘nerve network theory’
as: reaction time was too slow : so if stimulated the response was slow - temporal summation: if you stimulate spinal cord with small signal not enough to elicit a reflex action not sufficient, so need more
- spatial summation: so if stimulated in different location each would not be sufficient if enough area of location then enough reflex
- gap= synapse- chemical change for electrical messages
= lead to the existence of neurotransmitters.