Key Info For Exams Flashcards
Multi-purpose text (primary, secondary)
Implied reader
A constructed image of a reader who best fits the central message, beliefs and world-views the text is presenting. Idealised reader
Actual reader
Anyone who engages with and interprets a text. Reading and interpreting in different contexts, and influenced by their own belief systems. May choose to resist any kinds of ideology that are projected for them by a text producer
A constructed image of an idealised writer
Implied writer - reader constructs
Discourse community
A group of people with shared interests and belief systems who are likely to respond to texts in similar ways e.g. 1D fans
Blended-mode texts
A process by which texts borrow from or refer to conventions of other texts for a specific purpose and effect
Academic spoken register, informative written register, conversational register, neutral, informal, and vulgar.
The portrayal of events, people and circumstances through language and other methods (images, sounds) to create a way of seeing the world. How a way of seeing the world is projected
What can representation be a result of?
Wider societal values and way of ‘seeing the world’ that is particular to an era or certain culture
Key term