Key Features Of Science + Aims, Hypotheses And Operationalising Variables: RM Flashcards
What is an empirical method?
When the researcher collects data through actual experience ( eg. Observation )
What is objectivity?
The research should be collected in a way in which all INTERPRETATION and BIAS and kept to a bare minimum. ( same result )
What is subjectivity?
The research is collected in a way that interpretation and bias influences the the answer. LeadS to various opinions and results.
What is a Theory?
A theory is an explanation of a phenomena backed up by evidence.
What is Theory Construction?
Constructing a theory in reference to empirical evidence.
What is Hypothesis Testing?
A process by which theories are tested.
What is a Hypothesis?
A testable prediction of some element of a theory. Researchers attempt to test of a theory is wrong.
Falsifiability ( developed by Karl Popper )
Theories should be falsifiable; theoretically possible to be proven wrong. This makes a theory testable.
What is replicability?
Research is replicable if a NEW TEAM of researchers can carry out the SAME PROCEDURE and end up with the SAME RESULTS.
What is an Experiment?
A type of research method that shows cause and effect by examining whether one variable changes another.
What is a variable?
A factor that changes.
What is a Dependant variable?
The variable that is measured.
What is an Independent variable?
The variable that changes.
What is Operationalisation?
Taking an abstract variable and making it measurable. OR clearly defining a variables in a way that other researchers could replicate the experiment exactly
What is a Directional Hypothesis?
The researcher states that the independent variable will affect the dependant variable in each condition. (one tailed) The researcher specifies the exact hypothesis.
What is a non-directional Hypothesis?
The researcher states the independent variable will effect the dependant variable BUT doesn’t specify the exact hypothesis. (Two tailed)