Kaplan Ch. 4 Cognition, Consciousness, Language Flashcards
What effect does cocaine have on the brain?
Decreased reuptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin
Define Insomnia and state other physical/psychological disorders it is related to.
Difficulty falling asleep / staying asleepRelated to anxiety, depression, medications, disrupted sleep cycles
How does light help control the sleep/wake cycle?
In the case of decreased light: retina senses decrease in light, retina sends signal to hypothalamus, hypothalamus sends signal to pineal gland to release melatonin to cause sleepinessIn the case of increased light: retina senses increase in light, retina sends signal to hypothalamus, hypothalamus releases CRF which stimulates the anterior pituitary to release ACTH which enters the blood stream and stimulates the adrenal cortex to release cortisol into the blood which produces wakefulness
REM sleep (definition)
Rapid - eye movement sleep = interspersed between cycles of NREM
Beta waves:(1) What are their frequency?(2) When do they occur?(3) Why do they occur?
1) highest frequency of all brain waves2) occur when person is alert or doing mental task that requires concentration3) Occur b/c neurons are firing randomly
What features of language acquisition do children display at each of these key timepoints in development:
1) 9 to 12 months of age
2) 12 to 18 months of age
3) 18 to 20 months of age
4) 2 to 3 years
5) 5+ years
1) Babbling
2) Add 1 word per month
3) Explosion of language, use differing inflection and gestures, combine words
4) Sentences with 3+ words, make many grammatical errors
5) Language mostly mastered by this point
What happens physiologically during REM sleep?
Arousal levels reach that of waking, but muscles are paralyzed
What brain wave patterns characterize Stage 2 of sleep?
Theta waves + sleep spindles + k complexes
Building blocks of wordsEx: redesign ( - re indicates do again, - design is the verb root, - ed indicates action in the past)
What is REM rebound?
After period of sleep deprivation, if one is permitted to sleep normally, an earlier onset of REM sleep and greater duration may be observed
How words are put together to form sentences
Lev Vygotsky
Educational psychologist who proposed that the engine driving cognitive development is the child’s internalization of his/her culture
Wernicke’s area
Located in superior temporal gyrus of temporal lobe, responsible for language comprehension
Stanford-Benet IQ test score calculation
IQ = (mental age / chronological age) * 100
What are the two ways intelligence is sub divided?
Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Wernicke - Korsakoff Syndrome
Brain disorder caused by thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency, impaired mental status + loss of motor skills
What two things does confirmation bias lead to? (hint: these are both things that Donald Trump has displayed consistently…)
1) overconfidence: tendency to erroneously interpret one’s decisions, knowledge, and beliefs as infallible2) belief perseverance: inability to reject a particular belief despite clear evidence to the contrary
Disconfirmation principle
Evidence obtained from testing demonstrates that the solution does not work
Boca’s aphasia
Damage to Boca’s area leads to reduced or absent ability to produce spoken language
Define consciousness and list the 4 states of consciousness.
Definition: one’s level of awarenessAlertness, sleep, dreaming, altered states
NREM sleep
Non-rapid eye movement = stages 1-4 of sleep cycle
Categorical perception
Ability to make distinction between sounds that communicate speech and sounds that do not
What effect do benzodiazepines have on the brain?
Increase GABA activity, same general effect otherwise as alcohol (sense of relaxation)
What effect do opioids have on the brain?
Bind to opioid receptors and cause decreased reaction to pain and sense of euphoria
What physiological effect does cocaine have?
Anesthetic and vasoconstrictive properties, used in surgeries in highly vascularized areas, when used recreationally may lead to heart attack / stroke
Divided attention
Ability to perform multiple tasks at same time
Explain the cognitive process dream theory
Dreams are a sleeping version of stream of consciousness
What is a decline in intelligence w/ aging linked to?
How long an older adult retains the ability to function in activities of daily living
Study of how our brains process and react to information presented to us by the world
What brain wave patterns characterize stage 3 and 4 of sleep?
Delta waves = Slow wave sleep (SWS)
Nativist Theory
1) Who is the linguist that proposed this theory?
2) What is a language acquisition device (LAD)?
3) What is a sensitive period? When is this period for language development?
1) Noam Chomsky
2) The ability to acquire language is innate due to a theoretical pathway in the brain that allows infants to process and absorb language rules
3) A time when the engironmental input has maximal effect on the development of an ability, for language, this is before puberty
Structure of words
What is the social interactionist theory of language development?
Language is acquired because the child wants to communicate and be socially interactive. As the child is exposed to language, they group sounds and meanings together and keep those that are used in communication and lose those that aren’t
Learning Theory
1) Who proposed this theory of language acquisition?
2) How is this related to operant conditioning?
1) B.F. Skinner
2) Babies show preference for phonemes (sounds) in language spoken by their parents, so as parents repeat (reinforce) the sounds of their language the infant perceives these sounds as having more value than those that are less reinforced (heard less often)
What effect does alcohol have on the brain?
Increases activity of GABA (chloride channel), which results in hyperpolarization of membranes, which has inhibitory effect on brain leading to diminished arousal
What did Jean Piaget propose?
That there are qualitative differences between the way children and adults think
Alpha waves:(1) When do they occur?(2) What are their frequency?
(1) Occur wen we are awake but resting w/ eyes closed(2) Slower and more synchronized than beta waves