Kap 8 Control of movement Flashcards
Vestibular system
“6 sense”
imporant to balance, maintaince head posistion and adjust eye movement
Stimulus is movement and position of the head and body (f.eks inner ear)
There is no easily defined Sensation but if you stimulate of vestibular apparatus - nausea dizziness
Somatosensory system
sense of touch +++
provide information ++ se pp
Somatosenses divided into categories:
Cutaneous senses – information from the surface of the skin
Proprioception – information about location of body in space
Kinesthesia – information about movement of the body through space
Organic (visceral) senses – information from in and around internal organs
The chemical senses
taste and smell
Another word for Taste
5 basic taste qualites that we detect
- Bitter (help us detect potential toxins)
alcoide? (people might taste bitterness different - Sweet (sugars/carbohydrates, energy)
- Sour (detecting acids, when things go bad or not ready for eat, nature makes acid, spiled or unripe. but some (lemon) is naturly sour and plesent)
- Salt (naturient of sodium, which is important for allot of fysilogial processes, consentration makes it plesent/discusting (but if your low on it, a high consentraion migh be good)
-Umami (newest taste discovered, tastes amino acids, espessilly glutamate. “meaty flavor” MSG most common in snacks)
- fat may also be detected by somatosensation
- Calcium may be when we need it but the mechanism is unclear (dont know what it taste”
- Water may be detected as the change in taste receptors when saliva is washed away. Changed ph in mouth. signal transmitting from tongue to brain
- Flavor is a perception that involves taste (signial/information from tounge to brain - sour, sweet) and smell (orange) working together
Taste buds
- collection of taste receptor cells - send cillia to top of tongue, senses and send to brain
se pp
Pathway to the brain - taste
Taste information travels from tongue and oral cavity via cranial nerves to a region in hindbrain called nucleus of solitary tract (NTS).
From NTS, taste information is relayed to gustatory cortex (GC) via thalamus.
Also important projections to areas such as hypothalamus and amygdala which are probably important for some of the emotional reactions to tastes.
Cranial nerve - NTS -Thalamus-GC
- alllow us to identify and locate food. (to tell a orange from a lemon)
Skeletal Muscle
er de som beveger oss rundt og dermed er ansvarlige for våre handlinger.
Flextion vs Extension
Sammentrekking av en bøymuskel produserer fleksjon, som bever et lem mot kroppen.
Ekstensjon er den motsatte bevegelsen – å flytte et lem bort fra kroppen.
Skjelettmuskelen består av to typer muskelfibre: Nevn og forklar
Extrafusal microfibers -
- de betjenes av aksoner til alfamotornevronene.
- Gir sammentrekningskraften
Intrafusal muscle fibers
- spesialiserte sanseorganer som betjenes av to aksoner; en sensorisk og en motorisk.
- Følsomme for strekk
- The efferent axon of the gamma motor neuron hjelper de å “contract”
Whats an motor unit?
A motor unit is the basic functional unit of muscle control. It consists of:
- One motor neuron (nerve cell).
- All the muscle fibers that the motor neuron innervates (controls).
A single muscle fiber consists of :
- a bundle of myofibrils, each of which consists of overlappng strands of actin and myosin
Neuromuskular junction.
Synapsen mellom terminalknappen til et efferent nevron og membranen til en muskelfiber
A endplate potential
Når et akson avfyres, frigjøres acetylkolin av terminalknappene og produserer depolarisering av den postsynaptiske membranen
Depolariseringen av en muskelfiber åpner portene til voltage-dependent calsium channels, og lar calsium ioner komme inn i cytoplasmaet. Dette utløser kontraksjonen (sammentrekningen).