JVD 2017, Issue 4 (CG) Flashcards
A Case of Congenital Supernumerary Teeth in an Ovine Dental Pad
What is the dental formula of the sheep (I /, C_/, P/, M/_ = #__
I 0/4, C0/0,P 3/3, M 3/3 = 32
A Case of Congenital Supernumerary Teeth in an Ovine Dental Pad
Supernumerary teeth developed inside the alveolar regions are considered _____-topic, as opposed to teeth that develop outside the alveolar regions which are considered _____-topic.
Normotopic; Heterotopic
A Case of Congenital Supernumerary Teeth in an Ovine Dental Pad
In this case report, the supernumerary teeth described are normal in shape but reduced in size, and were therefor classified as what?
focal microdontia
A Case of Congenital Supernumerary Teeth in an Ovine Dental Pad
In this case report, the supernumerary teeth were considered to be normotopic or heterotopic? What position in the dental quadrant did they correspond with?
Normotopic (due to the presence of dental alveoli observed on radiographs).
L+RmaxI4 (fourth incisior teeth)
A Case of Congenital Supernumerary Teeth in an Ovine Dental Pad
The etiology of supernumerary teeth is uncertain, but various causes have been proposed, including: (name 5)
1) Atavism (reappearance of traits that were lost in generations prior)
2) dichotomy of the tooth germ
3) excessive growth of the dental lamina
4) hereditary factors
5) other diseases
Suspected Rhinolithiasis Associated with Endodontic Disease in a Cat
Name differential diagnoses for radiopaque objects within the nasal cavity other than a rhinolith (5).
1) foreign body
2) retained roots
3) Impacted teeth
4) sequestra
5) Calcified neoplasm (nasal polyps, ossifying fibroma, osteoma, chondroma osteosarcoma, odontoma)
Feline Dental Implants: Long-Term Follow-up of Two Case
What conditions of the maxillary canine tooth were treated by careful extraction with immediate placement of an endosseous implant followed by placement of a prosthetic restoration in this case series (2)?
Mesial luxation RmaxC.
CCF RmaxC.
Suspected Rhinolithiasis Associated with Endodontic Disease in a Cat
What surgical approach was used to the remove the intranasal object this case? What is the typical approach for removal in humans and in other companion animals?
Transalveolar approach to the nasal cavity.
Transnasally with endoscopic assistance if necessary
Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblasotma (CAA) in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence
What is the most common odontogenic tumor in dogs? What is that tumors most common location? What breed is overrepresented?
Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma.
Rostral Mandibles.
Golden Retriever.
Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblasotma (CAA) in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence
What is the current recommended surgical margin for cure for CAA?
Wide surgical margin (10mm).
Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblasotma (CAA) in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence
Does being a mixed breed or a pure breed dog decrease the risk of development of CAA?
mixed breed.
Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblasotma (CAA) in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence
What percentage of CAAs occur in the rostral mandibles? Caudal mandibles? Rostral maxillae? Caudal maxillae?
~50% (51.1%)
~20% (21.5%)
~20% (21.5%)
~5% (5.8%)
Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblasotma (CAA) in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence
What is the current recommended surgical margin for cure for CAA? What intended surgical margins were evaluated in this study (3)?
Wide surgical margin (10mm-20mm).
10mm, 15mm. 20mm
Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblasotma (CAA) in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence
Local recurrence was noted on oral examination in __% of patients regardless of post-surgical histopathologic margins including margin that were incomplete.
Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblasotma (CAA) in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence
Local recurrence was noted on oral examination in __% of patients regardless of post-surgical histopathologic margins including margin that were incomplete. These results suggest that surgical margins to prevent local recurrence by be as small as __mm.
Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblasotma (CAA) in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence
Does CAA have a sex predilection? What is the mean age at presentation? Is it more likely to occur in a mixed or pure breed dog? Large or small dog? Most common location?
9.44 yo (middle age to geriatric)
pure breed.
medium to large breed.
rostral mandibles.
Feline Dental Implants: Long-Term Follow-up of Two Case
The axial contour of the natural tooth or prosthetic crown as it relates the adjacent soft tissue is called what? What is the importance of this?
The emergence profile.
Important to prevent plaque being trapped at the soft tissue/crown interface; to protect the crestal gingiva from potential recession due to mastication.
Feline Dental Implants: Long-Term Follow-up of Two Case
The process which compresses osteotomized alveolar bone to increase its density during socket osteotomy is called what?
Compaction autografting
Feline Dental Implants: Long-Term Follow-up of Two Case
What were the 2 phases/steps for treatment with a dental implant?
1) Surgical phase (healing and osseointegration phase)
2) Uncovering and Restoration Phase (placement of a prosthetic crown)