JVD 2015, Issue 2 (JW) Flashcards
Comparison of the Diagnostic Image Quality of the Canine Maxillary Dentoalveolar Structures Obtained by Cone Beam Computed Tomography and 64-Multidetector Row Computed Tomography
True or false: Cone beam CT images were found to be significantly superior in image quality to images acquired with 64-multidetector row CT overall, and in all scored categories
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
In a study of 80 cats with CKD, what % had renal secondary hyperparathyroidism? What % had it in asymptomatic CKD cats versus those with end stage CKD?
Overall 84%
Asymptomatic cats = 47%
End stage = 100%
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
In a study of dogs, what % of dogs with CKD had hyperparathyroidism?
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
What body part does renal osteodystrophy preferentially affect in dogs?
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
What nickname does renal osteodystrophy have?
Rubber jaw
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
What two forms of osteodystrophy are there?
Young dogs with renal secondary hyperparathyroidism get hyperostotic osteodystrophy (osseous swelling and distortion of the skull and mandibles due to fibrous replacement of deminieralized bone VERSUS older dogs get rubber jaw without swollen bones (isostotic osteodystrophy)
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
What is osteopenia?
Descriptive term that refers to decreased opacity in bone seen on a radiograph
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
What is osteomalacia?
Clinical diagnosis that refers to soft, malleable bone that results from deficient mineralization by hydroxyapetite crystals
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
What is seen on human dental radiographs of people with renal osteodystrophy?
Diminished radiopacity of the lamina dura
Ground glass appearance of trabecular bone
Reduced thickness of cortical bone
Pathological bone fractures
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
What oral soft tissue complications have been reported in dogs with CKD?
Uremic ulcers
Uremic halitosis
Sloughing of the rostral aspect of the tongue
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
What is the median age of 42 dogs described with renal secondary hyperparathyroidism?
35.6 months (aka slightly less than 3 years old)
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
What % of dogs diagnosed with renal osteodystrophy were sexually intact
88.6% (n = 31 out of 42)
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
True or false: Total calcium and phosphorus become abnormal (out of the reference range) early in the course of renal secondary hyperparathyroidism
False - stay within reference range until late-stage
Oral Manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparative Review
True or false: Maxillofacial distortion due to renal osteodystrophy has not been described in domestic cats
The Negative Effects of Volatile Sulphur Compounds
Which two volatile sulfur compounds are most frequently associated with oral malodor
Hydrogen sulphide
Methyl mercaptan
The Negative Effects of Volatile Sulphur Compounds
What bacterial degredation products degrade further to form volatile sulfur compounds?
The Negative Effects of Volatile Sulphur Compounds
Is hydrogen sulfide concentration higher in the mouth or in a periodontal pocket?
The Negative Effects of Volatile Sulphur Compounds
Is Methyl mercaptan concentration higher in the mouth or in a periodontal pocket?
Periodontal pocket
The Negative Effects of Volatile Sulphur Compounds
What is the salivary pH of dogs?
The Negative Effects of Volatile Sulphur Compounds
What part of volatile sulfur compounds causes increased mucosal permeability and other negative side effects?
Reactive free thiol group
The Negative Effects of Volatile Sulphur Compounds
Professional periodontal treatment has been shown to reduce malodor for up to ___ months in the dog
3 months
Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma in a Dog
What is the prevalence of peripheral giant cell granuloma?
Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma in a Dog
In humans, why do peripheral giant cell granulomas develop?
Response to local irritants, such as trauma, tooth extraction, poorly finished restorations, plaque, calculus, and impacted food
Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma in a Dog
What types of PCGC have been described histologically?
“Classic” versus collision
Elodontoma in Two Guinea Pigs
What type of teeth do guinea pigs have?
Hypsodont (long crown)
Elodont (continually growing/erupting)
Elodontoma in Two Guinea Pigs
What is a complex odontoma?
Fully differentiated dental components that do not form tooth-like structures
Elodontoma in Two Guinea Pigs
Why did the authors come up with the new term “elodontoma”?
Lesions were continuous with the apices of elodont incisor and cheek teeth
Maxillary Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor in a Siberian Tiger (Panthera Tigris Altaica)
How are calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumors characterized?
By epithelial proliferation, mineralization of the epithelium and stroma, and deposition of amyloid or amyloid-like substances
step-by-step: Bilateral Rostral Mandibulectomy in the Dog
The alveolar bone margin of the surgical site is tapered approximately ___ - ____ degrees caudodorsally to reduce tension on the suture line
30-60 degrees