JVD 2009 1 Dimensions Of Diastemata And Associated Periofontal Food Pockets In Donkey Cheek Teeth Du Toit, Burden Et al Flashcards
What percentage of diastemata occur in mandibular versus maxillary cheek teeth?
56% mandibular 44% maxillary
What percentage of diastemata were open and what percentage were valve?
Open 60% Valve 40%
N.B. This is the answer from the abstract, but in the actual results section it says it the other way around
I agree although percentages were not mentioned in the results section … so this leads me to belive they just got it the wrong way round in the abstract so correct answer really is based on the number s and shoudl be Open 40% valve 60%
What percentage of diastemata had adjacent inter current dental disease which may have predisposed them to diastemata
What is the occlusal to gingival width ratio in valve diastemata versus open diastemata?
0.4 valve 1.07 open
Food was impacted in what percentage of diastemata?
What was the percentage of periodontal food pocketing adjacent to diastemata?
What was the prevalence of lateral and medial pocketing in periodontal pockets adjacent to diastemata?
Lateral 73% Medial 47%
What was the average depth of lateral pockets versus medial pockets in periodontal food pockets found adjacent diastemata?
Lateral 4.1mm Medial 2.4mm
What is a diastema?
A space between adjacent teeth which should normally be in contact at the occlusal surface
What was the aim of the study?
To define the shape and dimensions of donkey cheek teeth diastemata and adjacent periodontal food pockets and to determine the accuracy of clinically terming diastemata as valve or open.
Of the 349 donkey skulls available 16 were selected with diastemata. What was the incidence of diastemata overall? What was the overall incidence of periodontal disease?
85% incidence of diastemata 93.4% incidence of periodontal disease
What was a major difficulty in statistical analysis?
Only one diastemata was present in 25% of cases and yet there were as many as 6 diastemata in others.
How was the non independence between diastemata overcome?
By randomly selecting one diastemata from each skull, creating a sample of 16 diastemata.
What is shown by the arrow in this photo?

A large lateral periodontal pocket on the lateral aspect of a mandibular cheek tooth diastema.
What measurements do A, B, C & D represent in this diagram?

A Width of the diastema at the occlusal level B Width of the diastema at the gingival level C Depth of a periodontal pocket associated with the diastema D length of erupted crown