Just War Theory Flashcards
what are the five main factors for war?
selfishness and greed rivalry over land need for resources and wealth national pride long-standing hatreds and grievances
what does the just war theory mean for christians
a war which religious believers may fight in under certain conditions
the Just War theory was formulated by which early Christian scholar
St Augustine
which Catholic scholar refined the theory after St Augustine
Thomas Aquinas
what does Jus ad bellum mean?
resort to war
what are the 7 jus ad bellum conditions
Just: Authority cause intentions proportionality last resort reasonable chance of success comparative justice
what are the conditions for jus in bello?
proportionality- of weapons to the threat and suffering inflicted and injustice being fought over/for
warfare must be discriminate- no killing of innocent civilians
many criticise the Just War theory as it is too outdated since the situation of warfare has changed considerably. examples are
modern weapons e.g. nuclear weapons can destroy the world and the long-run effects they have
war on terrorism is no longer a nation against a nation- therefore who is the just authority who says you can go to war
the moral arguments against just war include all deliberate acts of killing are wrong what are the other 4 moral arguments
morality opposes all violence
just war makes war acceptable
if war is just there should be no restrictions on it
terrorists do not follow the just war principles
A holy war involves one country against another with religious differences and suppression of another religious group because of its religious practices, what is the 3rd thing?
areligiously motivated group attempting to spread its faith by violence
A holy war has a little at its centre what kind of reward is offered those who participate
Spiritual reward
There are five causes of holy war to spread the faith, to restore the faith, to rescue believers from unbelieving countries what are the other two?
recover secret places and revenge against blastemas
What did Jesus say when opposing war?
Put your word back into its place for all who take the sword will perish by the sword
In islam what is holy war called?
What is in a jihad concerned with
Spiritual battle within the individual
What is outer jihad and what is its fight to do
Allows Muslims to fight in order to fight oppression establish justice and self defence
How to jihad has strict rules similar to the just war theory including I thought highest by religious leader, aim to bring peace, last resort what are the other two?
Innocent civilians must not be targeted and enemies must be treated with justice
What up to the criticisms of outer jihad?
Texts seem to support the use of violence and terrorists have carried out at this as part of the outer jihad
New killer weapons are WMDs what does this mean
Weapons of mass destruction
Who do Pacifists base their views on
Jesus Christ “love die neighbour” “Love your enemies”
What are the three types of pacifism
Absolute all total
What type of pacifism did Mahatma Gandhi use
Absolute which included peaceful demonstrations, fasting on hunger strike’s, blockades, peaceful disobedience
Some of the criticisms of pacifism include that it could lead to tyranny and depression and leave the country vulnerable to attack what is the other criticism
A government has a duty to protect their citizens and pacifists ought to fight against evil
There are conflicts between the new and old Testament why is this
Because God allowed holy wars where is Jesus condemned all violence