Judaism - Core Ethical Teachings (Yr 11) Flashcards
What does Core Ethical Teaching consist?
- The Commandments of the Torah
- The Prophetic Vision
- The Book of Proverbs (wisdom, righteousness, purity and generosity of the spirit)
State the two basic precepts inform the Jewish ethical system?
The first is proper conduct between an individual and God and the second is proper conduct between two or more people.
Explain the two precepts?
The first precept caters for religious aspects of one’s life; the second allows for an ethical and just society. Both of these basic rules derive from the halacha, which means ‘ the way of life’
What does the Commandment of the Torah include?
- The Ten Commandments
- The 613 Mitzvot (commandments)
- Extensive rabbinical commentaries covering all aspects of life
Break down the ten commandments in a positive and negative way?
- The First five of commandments deal with the proper conduct that takes place between the believer and God.They are concerned with the method of worship. These commandments are formulated in a positive and affirmative way.
- The remaining commandments deal with relationships within the Jewish community. These commandments are formulated in a negative way.
What do Prophetic Visions include?
- Social justice
- Tikkun Olam (the repair of the world)
What does Tikkun Olam mean?
Means ‘repair’ or ‘betterment’ of the world through social justice.
Where does the phrase ‘Tikkun Olam’ first found?
In the Mishnah in discussions of social policy. Rabbi Issac Luria taught that the world was made up of good and evil. That it was humans who caused the separation between that which was holy and which was material.
What is Tikkun Olam?
Is the underlying motivation behind social action and volunteer projects that work towards the repair of the world through human action. It is a meaning of aiding people to take responsibility for their world.
What is the concept of tzedakah or ‘hidden charity’?
Those who practise tzedakah hide their identity so that they don’t feel ashamed when they meet their benefactors at social or communal functions.
What is one aspect of charity that is more important than tzedakah?
This is known as ‘Gemilut Chasidim,’ (acts of loving-kindness) performed for no return. Examples are:
- giving hospitality to strangers
- visiting the sick
- assisting a poor or orphaned bride
- accompanying the dead to the grave
What is the Book of Proverbs?
An old testament of ‘wisdom’ writing is found in the third section of the Jewish Canon(general law) known as Ketuvim or writings.
What is included in the Book of Proverbs?
- Wisdom
- Righteousness
- Purity
- Generosity of spirit
Who is the vast majority of the proverbs attributed to? INCLUDE QUOTE
King Solomon, whose wisdom achieved legendary status among the Jewish community. They generally relate to prudent or ethical living, as can be seen in Proverbs 22; “A generous man will himself be blessed for he shares his food with the poor.”
Was Solomon the only one that is contributed to the writings of the Book of Proverbs?
No, as many modern scholars claim that while Solomon contributed to many of the writings in the book, there were many contributors to the proverbs spanning many centuries during the time Judaism was still an oral tradition.
Is the Book of Proverbs a guide of adherence?
Yes, they are a practical guide for living, written down simply. They express practical wisdom very directly and are easy to follow.
Is wisdom the main focus of the Book of Proverbs?
Yes, It is presented as both the way someone can come to know God, and also shown to be given by God.
What is wisdom and why is it important? INCLUDE QUOTE
Wisdom is described as a powerful force that will be of benefit to those who attain it.
Wisdom, therefore, is seen as important in one being able to make ethically right decisions
-“I am wisdom; I dwelt [beside] cunning, and the knowledge of devices I will find.” Proverbs 9: 12
What is the second common theme within the Book of Proverbs and its importance?
Righteousness and integrity, The authors consistently bring up the importance of integrity, stating that people of integrity will be followed by happiness in their life no matter their situation.
Define righteousness and link it to wickedness?
Righteousness has to do with justice specifically. People are categorised into the righteous and the wicked. The ideas of wickedness and righteousness link to the concept of a person’s conduct, which is further connected to acting with the covenant in mind.
Fill in the blank:
Adherent who act with righteousness are _______, Whereas people how act wickedly are _______.
Righteousness, Wickedly
State a quote for righteousness in the Book of Proverbs?
-“The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.” (Proverbs 29: 7)
-“If you seek it (wisdom) like silver, and hunt for it like treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and you will find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth [comes] knowledge and discernment.”
(Proverbs 2: 5-5)
What is the third significant focus of the Book of Proverbs and its importance?
Purity, which pertains to physical and mental purity. The proverbs extol that people should stay pure by keeping in mind what is important rather than the simple pleasures in life.
What does purity also warn people of? INCLUDE QUOTE
God’s disdain for those who engage in impure actions while at the same time showing his pleasure to those who live ethically moral lives.
- “Wealth is useless on the day of wrath but virtue saves from death” (Proverbs 11:4)
- The Lord detests the thoughts of the wicked, but those that are pure are pleasing to him. (Proverbs 29: 7)
What is the final focus of the Book of Proverbs and its ideas?
The final focus of the proverbs is the generosity of spirit. This extends the idea of simply caring for people to actually reaching out and helping the poor and oppressed in society.
Throughout the Book of Proverbs, what is the consistent theme? INCLUDE QUOTE
God blessing people who act generously to the poor while those who do not will suffer the consequences of their selfishness.
“He who gives to the poor suffers no want but he who ignores them gets many a curse” (Proverbs 28: 27)
What does Halacha mean?
Halacha is the means by which Jews maintain and nourish their relationship with the one true God. Halacha is what sustains the relationship of the Jews as the Chosen People.
What is the importance of Halacha in the ethical teaching in the life of adherents?
Halacha increases the spirituality in a person’s life because it turns the most trivial and ordinary acts, such as eating and getting dressed, into acts of religious significance. Through these actions, the believer is constantly reminded of their relationship with God. Through the observance of Halacha that Jews remain faithful to the covenant which God made with the Israelites at Sinai centuries ago.
Why are the principal ethical teachings in Jewish life important?
Ethics are vital for the enduring success and peace of the community. Proverbs divide its message between good actions required of a king and those required of a good Jews.
Why are the principal ethical teachings of kindness, loyalty and wisdom in Jewish life important?
Kindness and loyalty within the community are the important aspects of the ethics of Judaism, and wisdom and right behaviour are celebrated. This knowledge for its own sake, but knowledge inspired by fear and reverence of God, wisdom that is forced on his words and the teachings of his prophets
Why is ethical teaching important in the lives of Jewish Adherents?
Ethical teachings guides adherent to live their lives according to the covenant and the divinely inspired moral laws. It also strengthens the relationship between the adherent and God as they are living according to God’s will.