Christianity - Significant People and Ideas Flashcards
Who is Paul of Tarsus?
He was the first theologian of the church and inspired people to think again about spiritual notions.
What was Paul of Tarsus’s background?
He was of a Jewish, Roman and Greek background.
How is Paul of Tarsus is recognisable as a figure of great faith and love in God?
Through his commitment to his missionary work, theologies and writings.
How did Paul of Tarsus supported Jesus’s last instruction to spread the Good News?
By taking upon 3 major missionary journeys which were recorded in the Book of Acts.
How has the development of Christianity manifested through Paul’s missionaries? (Missionary Work - Spreading the Good News Contribution)
Through his missionaries, he ultimately fosters the growth of Christian communities outside of the Jewish context.
How is Paul able to travel?
Supported by his Roman citizen status allowed him to be flexible in his travels able thus able to spread Christian theology.
Where was Paul able to establish churches in the political and cultural centres of the western world? INCLUDE QUOTE. (Missionary Work - Spreading the Good News Contribution)
Rome, Antioch, Corinth and more.
“So the churches were strengthened in their faith and grew daily in their numbers” Acts 16:5. Based on Paul’s understanding of Jesus’ beliefs, teachings, concepts of his community and ethics.
How has Paul transformed and adjusted mosaic laws? (Impact of his missionary work)
Through this exposure and missionary works to wider communities and societies filled with Gentiles that Paul comes to understand and change the face and direction of the Christian movement, transforming and adjusting Mosaic law.
How did Gentiles able to become more involved in the Christian tradition?
Through Paul’s agitation for change, the necessity for one to undergo circumcision was removed which allowed Gentiles to become more involved.
What supported the Gentiles in becoming more involved with the Christian traditions? QUOTE
Romans 11:13
“I am the apostles to the gentiles, I take pride in my ministry”, stated Paul
How has Paul’s acceptance of the Gentiles developed the Christian tradition?
Through the acceptance of Gentiles formed a Christian foundation, to that of being a universal and inclusive religion, leading to the rapid expansion and significant rise in the number of adherents
∴ Ultimately establishing Christianity to become the most dominant religion in the contemporary world
How has Paul’s writings in the New Testament contributed to the development and expression of Christianity? (His Writings Contribution)
Paul contributed to more than one-fourth of the New Testament scriptures with his letters which are considered to be a part of the sacred writings of Christianity as they bear God’s authority thus Paul’s letters laid the foundations for much of the belief and practice.
What was the most important theme in Paul’s writings? INCLUDE QUOTE (His Writings Contribution)
The concept of agape which is selfless love as shown in
“If I speak with the tongue of men and of angels but have not love, I have become a noisy gong” (1 corinthians 13:1).
What are the other themes of Paul’s writings? INCLUDE QUOTE. (His Writings Contribution)
Other themes of writing are the centrality of Christ’s resurrection, faith as total dependence on God as highlighted in
“Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with brotherly affection” (Romans 12.9).
Who was the one that presented complaints of Gentiles at the Council of Jerusalem? (Paul’s Theologies Contribution)
Paul of Tarsus was the one that informed the issues of circumcision, kosher food and sexuality mortality.
Is Christianity a sect of Judaism?
No, Christianity has developed as a religion in its right through Paul.
What is Paul’s teaching of Grace and salvation? INCLUDE QUOTE (Paul’s Theologies Contribution)
Paul taught faith in God alone was not salvation, that salvation and the Grace of God were offered to all who believed in Jesus Christ.
“For in the gospel, the righteousness of God is revealed…the righteousness will live by faith” (Roman 1:17)
What is Paul’s teaching of membership of the body of Christ? INCLUDE QUOTE (Paul’s Theologies Contribution)
All are equal, baptism is the visible sign of this membership and Paul refers to the community as ‘one body’. This defines the importance of community and Baptism as a sign of membership.
“For we were all baptised by one spirit so as to form one body - whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free - and we were all given the one spirit to drink” (1 Corinthians 12:13)
What did Paul’s ethical teachings guide Christians? (Paul’s Theologies Contribution)
Guided Christians in their behaviour and morality to achieve fulfilling and flourishing lives through the concept:
- Agape
- Freedom and responsibility
- Morality
What is the ethical teaching of Agape? INCLUDE QUOTE (Paul’s Theologies Contribution)
One of the most important themes evident in his writings is the concept of agape ( selfless love- unconditional love).
- “ If I speak in the tongues of men or angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal ( 1 Corinthians 13:1)
- “Love does not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:6)
What is the ethical teaching of Freedom and responsibility?(Paul’s Theologies Contribution)
The commandment to love your neighbour summed up all of Christ[‘s teachings into an ethical way of acting with all humanity.
-“For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “love your neighbour as yourself” (Galatians 5:14). Quote from Jesus’s teaching
What is the ethical teaching of morality? INCLUDE QUOTE (Paul’s Theologies Contribution)
Paul teaches of those behaviours and vices adherents must reject to live ethically, in accordance with the teachings of Jesu Christ
“But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language from your lips”(Colossians 3:8).
Who was the greatest Christianity spokesperson? (Personal Leadership Contribution)
Paul of Tarsus
What did Paul of Tarsus’s leadership reflect? (Personal Leadership Contribution)
Reflected in his conversation of heart and his ability to lead others to conversion through his preaching and teaching of ways of Christ.
Why was Paul of Tarsus a well-respected leader? (Personal Leadership Contribution)
Paul is recognised as being integral to the development of Christianity by early leaders. He was an effective model of Christianity leadership who empowered others to continue living out the faith.
What was the impact of Paul’s missionary work? INCLUDE QUOTE (Impact of Missionary Work-Spreading the Good News Paul’s ministry)
Paul has, not only shaped Christianity but has directly impacted and guided all adherents in emulating the model that Jesus set as shown in
“ To Me, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Ephesians 3:8).
How has Paul’s writing impacted the development of Christianity? (Impact of His Writing)
Paul’s impact on Christianity is evident in the Acts of the Apostles and his 13 letters which are used today as holy law/teachings, particularly in Saturday/Sunday worship.
How have Paul’s Theologies impacted the development of Christianity?(Impact of Paul’s Theologies)
His theologies are the source of the church and spiritual renewal. Theologians such as Martin Luther have interpreted belief and teaching derived from Pauline theology consequently impacting the widespread development of Christianity.
What is an example of the impact of Paul’s theology?(Impact of Paul’s Theologies)
His theology provided a sense of spiritual renewal to contemporary Christians faced with issues such as violence (Black Lives Matter movement). This his influence is profound where he continues to teach that in “fore-bearing one another in the bond of peace” Ephesians 4:1-3 adherents can overcome contemporary adversities.
What was the impact of Paul’s teaching of Agape? (Impact of Paul’s Theologies)
The impact on the expression of Christianity is reflected through Pope Francis’ letter “To the people of God” (2018), addressing child sexual abuse incidents as he used extracts from Paul’s letters to promote the primacy of love in our daily lives and provide a vision of unity for the future.
How does Paul challenge his/new generations to renew appreciation of the truth of the gospel of Jesus and provide example? (Impact of Personal Leadership)
Paul provoked and inspired supporters of Christianity to fresh insights into the meaning of being Christian. e.g During the 2020 Covid Pandemic, Trinity Anglican Church delivered zoom services drawn on Pauls’ letters to the Philippians 4:7 “ Be anxious for nothing… and the peace of God. which surpasses all understanding. will guard your heartsand your minds in Christ Jesus.