Christianity - Ethics Flashcards
What are Environmental Ethics?
Attempt to define a system of values that guide human interactions in the modern world, particularly in relations to the natural environment.
What is the role of Environmental Ethics? Include QUOTE
its role is to proclaim moral values and educate people in ecological awareness.
Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work and take care of it”.
What are humanity’s obligations regarding stewardship as adherence are not owners, there are carers of the environment?
Caring for the Earth is thus a moral imperative and a matter of justice.
Where are Environment Ethics derived from?
Old Testament (Genesis) and New Testament (Jesus’s parables/miracles)
How does Jesus uses natural imagery in his parables and promotes the harmonious relationships expected between humanity and nature?
The image of the shepherd tending to his flock or the sower planting seeds and replenishing the earth are those behaviours that bring about the Kingdom of God.
What are Christians being called out for?
To emulate the actions and teachings of Christ by responding to the needs of the Earth.
What do Environmental ethics consist of?
- God is the creator of the world, and all creation is made in the image of God.
- Respect all creation
- The Goods of the earth are to be shared by all
- Stewardship is the responsibility of humanity
- Future generations have a god-given right to live in a safe and life-giving environment
What is the environmental ethic of ‘God is the creator of the world, and all creation is made in the image of God.’?
God is the creator and man is his image-bearer and steward. Nature has value in and of itself because God has created it.
QUOTE on all nature, including man, is equal in its origin.
- Psalms 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the world of his hands”
- Laudato Si , 217 “Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue”
What are the related environmental issues of ‘God is the creator of the world, and all creation is made in the image of God.’?
Global warming, land and water pollution
What are the unethical behaviours (negative behaviours) of ‘God is the creator of the world, and all creation is made in the image of God.’?
Littering, disposing of chemicals down the sink, wasting paper
What are the ethical behaviours (positive behaviours) of ‘God is the creator of the world, and all creation is made in the image of God.’?
Use recycled paper, recycle household waste, utilise public transport or use hybrid cars.
What are the recent initiates of ‘God is the creator of the world, and all creation is made in the image of God.’?
- In Dec 2020, Pope Francis issued a statement committing the Vatican to net-zero emissions by 2050 and called adherent and the world to immediate actions “Let us not rob younger generations of their hope in. a better future”. This action model the behaviours adherents should carry out in their lives for example, by installing their own solar panels to conserve natural energy.
- Green Anglicans hosted a ‘Carbon fast’ for Lent in 2021 . Issuing daily reflections and actions one can take to observe a carbon fast during Lent. From buying organically grow food to eat less meat to unplugging appliances, the daily actions are suggested to help slow the damage to God’s creation.
What is the environmental ethic of ‘Respect all creation’?
Includes fostering and protecting human life and dignity from conception to natural death.
Jesus teaches about the reign of God from Various sources of environmental ethics including virtues of respect consideration, harmony and balance QUOTE
- John Paul II (former pope) “Respect for life and for the dignity of the human person extended also for the rest of creation which is called to join man in praising God.
What are the environmental issues of ‘Respect all creation’?
Urban expansion (deforestation), social justice (exploitation of humans in developing countries)
What are the unethical behaviour (negative) of ‘Respect all creation’?
Urban expansion causes destruction of the ecosystem by industry/individual exploration in humans in developing countries (social justice)
What are the ethical behaviour (positive) of ‘Respect all creation’?
Lobbying local government to protect and maintain parks/ waterways, purchasing fair trade products UTZ chocolate and sustainable cotton from retailers who pattern with ‘The Better Cotton Initiative’
What are the recent initiatives of ‘Respect all creation’?
The theme of ‘Laudato Si week’ in May 2021 ‘for we know that things that can change”. Adherence can participate in various initiatives to aim for ecological conversion such as the ‘Global Action Day for our common home’ by adopting sustainable actions like tree planting.
What is the environmental ethics of ‘The Goods of the earth are to be shared by all’? include QUOTE
An understanding of the universal purpose of created things, which requires equitable use of the Earth’s resources. God has given the fruits of the creation to sustain the entire human family, including future generations.
Pope Paul VI “The world is given to all not only to the rich”
What are the unethical behaviours (negative) of ‘The Goods of the earth are to be shared by all’?
Deforestation, waste of non-renewable resources eg fossil fuels
What ate the ethical behaviours (positive) of ‘The Goods of the earth are to be shared by all’?
Installing a water tank/solar panels to reduce obe’s carbon footprint, upcycling furniture and clothing, recycling your waste with Planet Ark.
What are recent initiatives of ‘The Goods of the earth are to be shared by all’?
Carbon covenant - an interfaith program that supports faith communities that directly address the number one source of carbon emissions in the developing world: deforestation. The organisation has established programs that protect forests from illegal logging and poaching, promoting sustainable livelihoods and reforesting degraded lands, adherents can respond to the call of organisations such as these by lobbying to local governments and living sustainably in their own homes.
What is the environmental ethics of ‘Stewardship is the responsibility of humanity’?
Huma is appointed by God as Stewards of Creation, Their responsibility is to guard the world by preventing its destruction.
Stewardship is man’s responsibility for the created world QUOTE
- World Council of Churches (WCC 1988) “ we will resist the claim that anything in creation is merely a resource for human exploitation”. It shows that God created this world for us to enjoy and not be selfish with it.
- Genesis 1:28 “ God blessed them and said to them ‘Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it…”. Christina would thus argue that from this moment, humanity was entrusted with the stewardship of the earth.
What are the environmental issues of ‘Stewardship is the responsibility of humanity’?
Animal cruelty
What is unethical behaviour (negative) of ‘Stewardship is the responsibility of humanity’?
animal cruelty - conducting animal testing that does not contribute to caring for or saving human lives eg cosmetic testing.
What are ethical behaviours (positive) of ‘Stewardship is the responsibility of humanity’?
Can be more mineful to look for non-animal cruelty stickers in makeup products
What are recent initiatives of ‘Stewardship is the responsibility of humanity’?
- Green Anglican - Promoted a Plastic fast in 2020 with the theme “Less Plastic For Lent” to discourage the use of single-use plastic straws in efforts of saving marine life.
- In Sept 2020, the Uniting Church in Tuggeranong Act and Leichhardt in Sydney launched an annual church service dedicated solely to the blessing of animals, promoting the respect that is due to all elements of creation.
What are the environmental ethics of ‘Future generations have a god-given right to live in a safe and life-giving environment’?
Our Christina faith should be a force for change towards sustainable development, sustainable communities and a healthy environment.
Our responsibility is to ensure that the environment is cared for in the present so that future generations will be able to enjoy a sustainable life QUOTE
- Genesis 9:9-10 “ I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you” (TO Noah)
- World Council of Churches “ We are accountable before god in and to the community of life, and accountability.. as stewards”
What are the environmental issues of ‘Future generations have a god-given right to live in a safe and life-giving environment’?
Exploiting natural resources e.g water/water conservation/wastage
What are the unethical behaviours (negative) of ‘Future generations have a god-given right to live in a safe and life-giving environment’?
Overmining of minerals leaving nothing for future generations, overfishing
What are the ethical behaviours (positive) of ‘Future generations have a god-given right to live in a safe and life-giving environment’?
Participating in Earth Hour (initiative), purchasing of 100% pole and line caught tuna (eg. Sirena, John West)