Christianity - Significant practices in the life of adherents Flashcards
kha tu
what is baptism?
- introduction into Christian faith/church
- washing away of sin
- symbolises purification - spiritual transformation
- gift from the Holy Spirit
can you be baptised as a teenager/adult?
yes! any age can be baptised
birth - paedobaptism
adulthood - credobaptism
what are the three types of baptism?
aspersion, affusion, immersion
what is aspersion?
water is sprinkled over the head
what is affusion?
water is poured over the head
what is immersion?
entire body is lowered into a pool of water
what is the ‘original sin’?
when Adam and Ever sinned by eating the forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden
what are the symbols of baptism?
water, oil of chrism, white garments, candle
what does water symbolise in baptism?
- adherent ‘dies’ in their old life, and comes into their new life as a member of the Christian church (new life)
- become a model of the teachings of Christ
what does the oil of chrism symbolise in baptism?
- gift of the Holy Spirit
- reminder to walk in the steps of Christ
what do white garments symbolise in baptism?
- ‘wearing’ Christ spiritually
- purity of commencing a new life
what does the candle symbolise in baptism?
- moving from death to a new life in Christ
- given to the godparents by the parents to promise that they’ll promote the Christian life to the newly baptised adherent
what are the different variants that practice baptism?
- roman catholic
- baptist
- pentecostal
- presbyterian
how do roman catholics celebrate baptism?
- baptism is required for ALL catholics
- enables them to move onto other sacraments
- mostly performed at birth
- typically aspersion
how do baptists celebrate baptism?
- not necessary for salvation
- only immersion
- believe that the adherent has already been saved
how do pentecostalists celebrate baptism?
- symbolises acceptance into the Christian community
- gift from the Holy Spirit
- only for adults
- only immersion
how do presbyterians celebrate baptism?
- one of only two sacraments
- sign of a covenant agreement with God
- can be aspersion, affusion or immersion
what are the five principal Christian beliefs?
- Jesus’ divinity and humanity
- Jesus’ death and resurrection
- trinity
- revelation
- salvation
what is the Christian belief of Jesus’ divinity and humanity?
Christ was divine (son of God) but was made in human form and died
what is the Christian belief of Jesus’ death and resurrection?
Christ was the sacrificial lamb, put to death on the cross, rose 3 days later, and was resurrected into heaven
what is the Christian belief of the trinity?
One God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
what is the Christian belief of revelation?
How God reveals himself to Christians: scripture, church traditions, and good works
what is the Christian belief of salvation?
Christ sacrificed himself for Christians so they can have access to eternal life
how is jesus’ divinity and humanity reflected in baptism?
- lit paschal candle: represents Christ bringing light to the world
- anointed with oil of chrism: symbolises healing and strength
- adherents are called to share and carry out the teachings of Christ
how is jesus’ death and resurrection reflected in baptism?
- the baptised ‘crucify’ their old life
- ‘rise’ into their new life
- images of drowning the old self and rebirth parallels Jesus’ resurrection
“…having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead” (Col 2:12)
how is the holy trinity reflected in baptism?
- baptism = entry into a new life with the Holy Trinity
- water is poured on adherent THREE times
“I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”
how is revelation reflected in baptism?
- listening to God’s words in the readings
- readings such as the creation story, the red sea (Exodus), and the ministry of John the Baptist (Matt 3)
“Repent and be baptised,
every one of you” (Acts 2:38)
how is salvation reflected in baptism?
- belief that they are saved through faith in Christ
- an act of God’s grace
- called to turn away from sin
- turning to a life of the Holy Spirit
- white garments: being cleansed from ‘original’ sin
“In the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).
“Through baptism, we belong to God and possess the joy of salvation.” (Pope Francis, 2019)
how does baptism shape an individual?
- initiates them into the Christian church
- identifying with Christ
- placing them onto a new journey of faith
- act of repentance, moving from original sin to a Christian life
- follow the teachings, practices and beliefs of the church
- allows participation in other Christian sacraments
“Get up, be baptised and wash your sins away” (Acts 22:16)
“For all who have baptised in the name of Christ have clothed yourselves with him.” (Gal 3:27)
how does baptism shape the community?
- entire community is tasked with welcoming the new adherent on their journey of faith
- godparents are tasked with the responsibility of raising the child in the Christian faith
- ceremony reminds adherents of their own baptism –> allows them to repent and ask for forgiveness
- community is a source of support and guidance for other adherents
- communal celebration is important in their journey of faith
“Baptism is the best gift we have received.” (Pope Francis, 2019)
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28: 19-20)
how does the roman catholic church baptism shape an individual?
- baptism = first step on the path to grace
- model oneself on the teachings of Christ
- time of thanksgiving for the gift of salvation
how do the anglican and catholic church baptisms shape an individual?
places adherents onto the sacred path to salvation in Heaven
how does the orthodox church baptism shape an individual?
- removes original sin
- allowing rebirth into a Christian life